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Draco grunted as he heard his phone ring. He sat up, rubbing his eyes. He looked at the clock, groaning. It was 7:05. "Morning." he grumbled into the phone. "So! I delivered all of the information, and they should be arriving soon. Goodness Draco, you sound awfully tired!" Hermione chirped. "It's 7 am here, Granger." Malfoy answered, laying back down. His chest rose and fell slowly as his mind began to wake up. The sun was just beginning to light up the dark sky.

It had taken Draco a while to fall asleep last night. He had watched many American movies, curious to see how different they were. He just didn't want to sleep. Plus, alone to the feeling of loneliness, the streets raged outside with honks and loud radios. The blonde beauty brushed his hair back from his eyes and stretched. "Shoot! Goodness, that is my bad! I'm sorry. I just feel like we won't be able to talk a lot because of the times." Hermione answered. "I'm not complaining." Draco retorted, grinning. "Ha. Ha. Go over the files ASAP." Hermione answered, hanging up after she said what was said. "Yes ma'am." Draco said to no one.

He swung his feet onto the cold floors, and he hissed at the chill. He pulled all the shades up and the room was filled with a purple hue. The library didn't open for two hours, so Draco felt no rush. He stepped into the bathroom and looked at his appearance. His skin was soft, not a single bump or pimple in sight. He rubbed his chest as he yawned, reaching inside a glass box to turn on the shower. As he undressed, he thought of home.

He'd only been in America for under 19 hours, and he already missed London. His home, his friends, his job. He let the warm water fall onto his figure, washing his hair. When he was finished, he wrapped a towel around his waist, and made his way to his closet. He slipped on a black long sleeve and blue jeans. He groaned when he realized it was a turtleneck. "Weasley." he grumbled, looking in the mirror. It wasn't too bad, but it wasn't great. He dried his hair and cast the same glamour charm. He watched the silver sparkles come out of his wand as he traced the tattoo. The sparkles moved around and changed into his skin color, completely erasing the mark. For 12 hours.

He walked to his kitchen to make coffee, only to be greeted with tea. His face crinkled with displeasure and bit his lip. He was probably the only British person who didn't like tea. He slipped his shoes and coat on, walking outside. He walked down the street until he saw an orange and pink sign. "Dunkin Donuts?" he asked no one. The sign had a coffee cup next to the words, so he crossed the street and walked in. As he walked up, he felt the door open behind him.

"A vanilla latte, please." Draco said softly, getting his wallet. "Iced or hot?" the lady asked him. Draco looked at her, raising an eyebrow. How stupid was that? An iced coffee? "Hot." Draco replied, realizing she was serious. He paid her and then stepped to the side. He sat at a table, grabbing the newspaper. "Well, look who it is." he heard.

Draco raised his head to see none other than his future co-worker, Teresa. "Hey." he said softly, smiling lightly. "They called your drink a minute ago, but you didn't answer." Teresa says, setting the drink in front of him. "Thank you." he said to the woman. "May I?" she asked, touching the top of the chair across from him. "Please." Draco answered, clearing his throat. "Well, what were you reading that was so interesting?" she asked. Draco furrowed his eyebrows. "In the paper?" Teresa asked slowly, her head turning slightly. "Oh! I just-I um- tend t-tend to zone out while reading." Draco lied.

In reality, Draco was staring hard at the pictures, expecting them to move. For the people protesting mouths to start saying inaudible words. They never did, they were frozen. Draco just found that strange. "What are you doing up so early?" he asked Teresa, deciding to make conversation. "I usually go on a walk before I open the store up. I usually go in about 8:30." Teresa responded, taking a sip.

"I know I don't work there yet, but do you think I could come with you? I've got some research to do." Draco asked, running his hands through his blonde locks. Snow fell onto the table, and he brushed it off. "Sure thing, sir. What are you researching?" she asked. Draco took a drink of his drink and clicked his tongue. "Criminal justice." Draco says, looking up from his cup. It was the closest thing to what he was truly doing. "College?" Teresa pressed, not fully believing him. "Sort of. Really complicated." Draco stuttered out, sighing deeply. "I get it." Teresa answered. "Yes, you can come when I open up." she says, smiling at the boy.

Draco gave a soft smile and nodded, watching her walk away and out the door. He looked at the time and sighed. Little over an hour. He listened to the Christmas carols in silence, remembering last Christmas. It was the first Christmas that he had with the Golden Trio. It was also going to be his first time seeing Harry Potter's son. Draco got to bring his best friend, Blaise. A fellow Sytherin. "I just don't like it." Blaise told Draco as they walked up the stairs, towards Potter's door. "Trust me, I'm not super comfortable either." Draco mumbled. He balanced his gifts in one hand as he rang the doorbell.

He heard laughter, as well as music, playing loudly inside the house. Ginny Weasley opened the door, smiling at the boys. "Welcome!" she cheered, opening the door. Blaise smiled awkwardly, following Draco inside of the house. Hermione was on the floor, playing with little James. Draco smiled at the baby, and brushed his sleeves. She looked up when she heard the door close and smiled. She got up and hugged Draco, then hugged Blaise. "I'm so happy you came, Draco." Hermione chimed. "Draco." she said again.

"Draco!" The pale boy flinched, turning his head to the right. Teresa was leaning in the doorway, laughing. "Daydreaming?" she teased, Draco turned red and shrugged, laughing softly. "I suppose." he grins, standing up. "Let's go then." she tells him. He offered Teresa his arm, which she accepted with a smile. "By the way, I walked all the way to the bookshop thinking you were behind me." she informed him, grinning. Draco slapped himself with his gloved right hand. "Did you really? How awful. I am sorry." Draco apologized, laughing at how ignorant he was. One thing he could not get off of his mind was how Hermione Granger had made Draco Malfoy feel loved for the first time. 

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