Signs drunk 🥴

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Aries ♈️
- loud and sloppy
- titties and ass out
- prone to doing stupid things
- the "angry and sexual" drunk
- makes out with strangers
- will get into a fight
- falls on their face repeatedly

Taurus ♉️
- "I'm not drunk"
- "can we go home now?"
- sneaks out of the club early
- compliments everyone
- regrets going out
- here for the snacks
- makes sure their friends are safe

Gemini ♊️
- a walking disaster
- laughs at everything
- talks to everyone and makes jokes
- never actually there, always disappearing
- wild as fuck
- leaves their friend for dick

Cancer ♋️
- comforts a crying person in bathroom
- talks in baby voice
- don't want to mess up their look
- super touchy and flirty
- tells everyone how much they love them
- wants to leave early

Leo ♌️
- pays for everyone's drinks
- usually the center of attention
- drinks as much as possible
- always dancing and laughing
- sends booty call texts

Virgo ♍️
- unlikely to stir up any trouble
- stays nice and friendly
- has the worst hangover ever
- gives everyone advice
- drunker than they seem
- the first to go home

Libra ♎️
- "pls don't let me call/text my ex tonight"
- usually very happy and joyous
- takes selfies with random people
- the "new best friend"
- lacks self control
- hooks up with strangers
- passes out in bathroom

Scorpio ♏️
- gets very temperamental
- horny was fuck
- becomes more open, has no filter
- talks about their love life
- will probably kick someone's ass
- doesn't hold anything back

Sagittarius ♐️
- "a hoe never gets cold"
- gets free drinks
- loud as hell, gets extremely touchy
- life of party
- overshares
- gets hella turned up
- first one on the dance floor

Capricorn ♑️
- silently judges all the other drunk people
- turns to a know-it-all
- really good at hiding the fact they're drunk
- usually a classy drinker
- not afraid to show their emotions
- becomes more talking and daring

Aquarius ♒️
- painfully honest
- the "philosophical" drunk
- has the deepest drinking convo
- tells weird stories and exaggerates
- goofy and silly as fuck
- witty and sarcastic
- good boy/girl gone bad

Pisces ♓️
- clumsy as fuck, needs a babysitter
- first one to blackout
- overly friendly and flirty
- super messy and chaotic
- cries when they're happy or sad
- the "emotional sad" drunk
- pisses themselves

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