Selepas sehari mereka meluangkan Masa bersama akhirnya Masa yang paling dinanti Tiba jua.. exactly!! Hari kuliah bermula... Both of them were busy with their own schedule as first year students. As always Danny akan bangun awal to perform fajr prayer.. and after that dia kejutkan William sebab William masih nyenyak dibuai mimpi
"Will... Now is already 7:30am wake up or you'll be late for the first day" Danny menepuk peha William
"ermmm just give me 5 more minutes" William menjawab dengan suara mengantuk
"No no no there's no 5 minutes... Dude c'mon today's our first day.. now don't be silly and get off the bed now" tegas Danny
William membuka Mata lalu menggosok matanya sambil menguap "why do you wake up so early" Tanya William dalam keadaan mamai
"this is the regular time I woke up... Enough chit chat and go shower now" ujar Danny
William bangun dalam keadaan mamai Dan masih mengantuk amid to stay up late last night
"You're ready to go? I mean at this time?" Sambil capai tuala Dan lihat jam telefon
"I'm going out for breakfast... Wanna join?" Danny mempelawa
"Yeaa sure... But let me go shower first" William berkata sambil menguap
"be quick"
Danny tunggu William sambil memegang phone Dan membuka WhatsApp... Lalu menghantar mesej pada papa dia..
Assalamualaikum pa...PAPA🤵
waalaikumusalam Daniel.. Ada apa text papa tengah2 maghrib ni?
Ada apa2 ke?DANIEL RADZI 😎
Laa papa ni... Have you forgotten the time differences between us now?PAPA 🤵
Ehh New York pukul berapa?
Beza berapa jam?DANIEL RADZI 😎
Beza 12 jam laa pa... Malaysia 7:45pm, New York 7:45amPAPA 🤵
Oh jadi you're get ready to go to class laa ni?DANIEL RADZI 😎
Yeaa pa... wish me luck okay... I'm freaking out right nowPAPA 🤵
Always son... I just wanted you to behave and please take good care of yourself okay...
Don't forget to eat.DANIEL RADZI 😎
No worries pa... I'll remember that.. okay pa gotta go now.. I want to have some breakfast before I go to classPAPA 🤵
Okay Danny... Anything just inform me.. take careDanny merenung ke luar tingkap memikirkan apa yang bakal menantinya disini. Dalam pada tu William siap Mandi Dan masuk semula ke bilik untuk bersiap.
"Danny, are you okay?" William bertanya sambil pakai seluar
"Ermm? Yeaa yeaa I'm good"
William akhirnya siap untuk pergi sarapan Dan mereka berdua keluar bersarapan sambil menunggu Masa kuliah..
"Dude are you okay? You seems not happy... Anything distract you?" William bertanya sambil makan
"Nahh nothing serious.. is it obvious?" Danny menjawab dengan tenang "I don't know.. maybe I just missing my family"
Danny menambah lagi."Danny.. you just be here for few days... You can still contact them if you want... No one is gonna hold your back" William Cuba megurangkan perasaan rindu Danny "don't worry you'll get used to this eventually"
Jeremy Fox
Roman d'amourMohd Daniel Mohd Radzi Lepasan University of Malaya Studies bachelor degree in Economics at Columbia University New York City William Hudson Daniel's roommate Studies degree in political science and government Jeremy Fox Second year housemate Gay T...