Chapter 2

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As soon as I left Liam's office I went to my bedroom but before I could get there Linda,the housekeeper,told me that my mom was waiting for me in the lounge.

I couldn't help but feel bitter at the thought of my mom she was the one who forced me to marry Liam for her own selfish reasons but I still loved her after all she is in fact my mother even she never really acted like it.

As I was making my way to the lounge I noticed that Logan wasn't where I left him earlier so l decided to ask one of the maids if he has seen him anywhere

"No, Mrs Hart but I can go look for him if you want"

"No it's alright " I replied politely

As l walked in in the lounge I noticed my beautiful mother Isabelle sitting on the couche. As I looked her I couldn't help but smile because I really missed my mom even though she has never really been around that much while I was growing up because she was always going on business trips and I was always left alone. During my teenage years I would always throw a party and get drunk but I never did drugs. Drinking was something I did to get my mother's attention but that didn't really work until that one faithful night where-

"Why are you looking at me like that "

'Hello to you too mother"

"I don't have time for this I just came to tell you to be on your best behaviour tonight I dont need you to embrass me in front of all the people who are going to be there"

That hurt,to be told by your mother and your husband that your embrassing in the span of an hour but I didn't show that I was hurt because I didn't want to give her the satisfaction. The satisfaction of her words actually being able to have an effect on me

My mother got up from where she was sitting and made her way out of the living room but then she stopped by the door

"Oh and no drinking tonight we don't want a repeat of that night, now do we darling?" She said without turning around but I could hear the anger in her voice

As soon as those words left her mouth I felt my eyes getting glossy but I won't cry in front of her so as soon as she left I ran up the stairs to my room and when I got there I locked the door so no one can see me in the is state. As I sat there crying I couldn't help but to feel the guilt from what I did 4 years ago.

After aproxmitely 1 hour of non stop crying I got from the bed and took a shower as I got out of the shower I saw that my eyes were red and puffy from all the crying and I couldnt help but feel insecure about my appearance but before I could even think about any self loathing thoughts I was interrupted by a knock on the door that was followed by the annoyed voice of Liam

"Hurry up we don't have all day"

I didn't even have the energy to replie so instead I started getting ready for this thing Liam is taking me to. When I was done getting ready I walked down the stairs thinking I would see Liam at the bottom of the stairs

"Liam?!" I called out his name in frustration because he was the one who was rushing me

"Mr Hart said he was going to meet you at the event" Logan informed me

Seriously? That bastard couldn't wait for me, like honestly why did he feel the need to rush me if he is just going to leave me.

"Did he at least tell you how am I going to get there" I said trying to conceal the frustration in my voice

"No Mrs Hart" Logan replied respectively

"You know what I'm just going to go to my room ,I didn't even want to go to this stupid thing"

As I was walking up the stairs I hear Logan call my name not 'Mrs flippen Hart' but my actual name and the way he said it sweet heaven like I was ready to die there and then

"Isabelle, I know you don't like Mr Hart and you only got married to him because of your family but you are only making it hader for yourself if you are gonna keep on disagreeing with him your just gonna make your life way hader than it needs to be"

"Did you just call me Isabelle?" I asked grinning like a mad woman

"Oh I'm sorry I meant Mrs Hart" He said rubbing the back of his neck nervously "um, it will never happen again Mrs Hart"
"NO!" I shouted "I mean please call me Isabelle1 I've been trying to tell you that since I came here" I say with a light blush on my cheeks

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2021 ⏰

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