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Chapter Content Warnings: blood, death, mentions of torture, and body horror.


Byron sighed deeply and fidgeted idly with the sleeves of his bloodstained shirt. Oh, how he wished he could go and get a change of clothes; he didn't want this guilt to hang around on him forever. Something had better happen soon to get him out of this funk, or else he was going to start throwing rocks at the concrete ceiling. And he didn't quite feel like reverting back to petty vandalism just yet (even if it would annoy the wardens, which was always fun to watch).

'Hello Byron.'

Byron pulled his head off the cold concrete wall and looked to his left. Hector smiled at him. He was wearing a completely different outfit to the one he'd been wearing when Byron had last seen him (which was about a week ago). The suit was purple and pinstriped, and his pants were a light shade of brown.

'Hector? How are you here, and why do you look like an evil version of Willy Wonka?'

Hector waved his hands in a small arc.


'That's very insightful. Thank you.'

'Sarcasm won't get you anywhere, Byron.'

'No, but it does help my mood.'


'Why are you really here?'

'To give you these.'

Hector pushed a set of small rocks towards him. They vibrated with blue energy.

'I've been in your mind, remember, I know what you're thinking.'

'What're these for?'

'Petty vandalism. Go, wreak havoc.'

And with that he winked and faded away, like a cheshire cat of sorts. Staring at the spot where Hector had just been Byron cautiously took the rocks and put them in his pocket.

I shouldn't have wished for anything to happen.


The bars on Byron's cell slid into the ceiling, and two smartly dressed elves gestured for him to step forward.

'The time for your trial has been moved forward, Mr. Rigsley.'

Well, that's new. I can't say I've been 'Mr.' anything before.

Byron bent down and double checked that his shoelaces were tied and he stepped through the gap in the wall. The elves handcuffed him and then began to march him down a grey hallway lined with cells like the one he'd just exited.

So, I take it that small talk is out of the question, then.

As they rounded the first corner Byron could hear muffled screams. He looked to his left and saw, through a slightly opened door, a yellow room that contained two glass cells. In each of the containers two people were writhing around on the floor in pain. They were plugged into the walls, and electricity was coursing up and down the wires (presumably linked to a computer system of sorts).

Byron clapped his hands over his mouth to keep from crying out. They weren't just any random people, they were Aleda and Jazmin.

Oh, the elves are worse than I previously thought.

'Hey! Keep your eyes front!'

The elf on his left poked him in the back; urging him on towards the courtroom. Begrudgingly Byron left them behind.


The lights of the courtroom and the eyes of the judge and jury bore down on Byron. Uneasy, he fidgeted with the petty vandalism rocks in his pocket.

I mean, I like attention as much as the next person, but this? This is too much.

'Byron Rigsley you have been convicted of murder and theivery. The court has found you guilty. We will now decide your sentence.'

Byron leaned back in his chair and zoned out. He didn't need to hear this chatter. He knew the outcome wasn't going to be good. After a few minutes the judge banged the gavel down, and Byron dropped out of his daydream and the rock in his hand fell to the floor.

'Byron Rigsley we sentence you to-'

But they were unable to finish as a wave of blue light rippled through the room. Chairs collapsed, and a large fissure opened up in the ground. Several people of the jury transformed into the Nightmare Children and began to attack the rest of the crowd.

How? Did the rocks do this? Cause this chaos?

He looked down at the ground to see if he could pick up the rock again and potentially stop the bloodshed, but it was nowhere to be found. It was like it had completely evaporated. When he looked back up Hector was standing in the middle of the mess. He caught Byron's gaze and winked. Then he spread his arms out to his sides and all of the creatures melted into goop. Everybody else in the room froze in place.

He's like a god.

'You should go now, before the rest of the court wakes up.'

Hector pointed to the courtroom door, and opened it magically with a flick of his fingers. Not wasting any time Byron picked himself up and ran like a startled goat out the door.


'Stand back!'

Byron had no idea if Aleda or Jazmin could hear him, but he though he'd warn them just in case. He pulled the remaining rock out of his pocket and raised his arm into the air.

Time to do some Petty Vandalism.

The rock glowed blue for a few seconds as it flew through the air and a few moments later the glass crashed around them. Byron watched as they gingerly stepped out from where they had been hooked up. Aleda had her arms around Jazmin, whose flowers were smoking slightly. She was mumbling words that Byron could not hear, he presumed that they were comforting. Byron walked over to them, eager to get away from the scene of his crime, and took Jazmin's other arm. She smiled weakly.

All of a sudden the walls began to shake and a hole opened up in the floor. The trio found themselves sliding towards it. Byron tightened his grip around Jazmin and shut his eyes. Right now he wanted to be anywhere but here.


Author's Note: Yes, I made Willy Wonka exist in this universe. Why? I needed a simile. Does this have relevance? No. Not at all.

This chapter was published on the 13th of June 2020.

This chapter was published on the 13th of June 2020

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