Chapter 1

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It was a hot summer afternoon, the kind where it seemed as though time went a little slowly, the dogs laid in puddles to cool off, and the business men in their suits trudged along the sidewalks, not hurrying to get anywhere, as there was nowhere to hurry to. From the distance one could hear the mooing of cows, and voices which called out their wares and prices at the market.

" Mulberries! Red Mulberries! Only fifty lira per bag! Get your Mulberries! Fresh from the fields! Only fifty lira!" A voice droned, catching the attention of two boys, standing next to a building. They both looked to be around 15, wearing shorts, one with a beige polo shirt, and the other a black cotton shirt with an eight-point star on the back. The one in beige had dark red skin, a moon and a star on his face, signifying his relation to the Ottoman, one of the rulers of the empire. He periodically pushed the oversized fez on his head up, and grinned at the other, stepping from one foot to the other so that his feet would not be scorched on the boiling pavement. The shorter boy on the other hand could stand still, his legs protected by the shadow of the building. His face was striped horizontally, red, blue, and orange. He had a missing tooth, and clearly kept messing around with the gap using his tongue. When they had heard the calls of the vendor, a grin appeared on the face of the taller boy. " Reckon we should get in on the deal?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

" Why pay fifty, when we can get it for free?"

" You're certain it's a good idea? You remember how it ended last time we got caught."

" Well, then we won't get caught."


" Awh, c'mon Turk, or are ya too scared?"

The shorter one leaned over with a grin, and the taller- Turk- finally gave in. " Fine, let's do it!" He sounded excited now, a determined gleam in his eyes. " Alright, so, you go distract the guy and I'll get the berries."

" You always get the berries! Why don't you distract him?"

" Because I'm faster than you!"

"...ugh, fine."

He looked disappointed, but nonetheless approached the cart, waving to the salesmen with an innocent smile. "Selam, sir!" He gave the adult a polite bow, his gaze on the other boy who had snuck around the cart, and was waiting a few meters away. " Selam, good boy. Are you interested in my wares?" The man asked, turning to him.

" Sir, yes, your Mulberries are the best in the market, but what's your price?"

" 5o lira. You won't find anything this cheap on the whole market!"

Turk nodded, a small smile on his face as he fished some coins out of his pocket. He could see his friend in his peripheral vision, inching closer and closer. " But I only have 40 lira...." he faked a sad voice, holding his hand with the coins out to the vendor.

" Hm....well, I can offer you half a bag for 25 lira." The man offered, thoughtfully scratching his head.

In the back, Turk spotted his friend grabbing two of the bags, and nodding, signaling him to leave.

" You know what sir, I think I will just find my father and ask him for another 10 lira." He smiled, putting the coins back in his pocket.

" Alright, come back soon!" The man waved to him, and turned, just in time to see the shorter boy disappear into the crowds, the two bags in his hand.

" Thief!" He hollered, chasing after him. Turk ran after them as well, " Armi! Wait!" He yelled, catching up to the shorter one, who grinned widely. The man was still behind them, but soon enough disappeared in the masses of people, and the two strolled to the city wall, helping each other get on top of it, and gaze over the fields and hills on the other side.

" That was lucky." Turk commented, taking a bag from Armi. " It was fun." The other retorted, already filling his mouth with the sweet, dark berries. " For a second there, I thought you actually were gonna buy the half-bag." He grinned, as Turk shook his head quickly. " I'd never do that!"

" Never buy a bag of mulberries?"

" Wh- no! I mean I'd never betray you like that!"

Armi smiled happily, raising an eyebrow. " Promise?"

" I promise." 

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