Our Very First Night

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theme song play

Riker: All right

Rocky: And the diaper is on

Riker: Beautiful 17 minutes we beat our old record by 37 minutes

Rocky/Riker: Baby wipe

Rocky: Hold it I'm about to make a quanturn leap in diaper theory

Riker: Go with it go with it

Rocky: If we triple the diapers we get three times the protection but we change her one third as often

Riker: Loving it loving it we get two diapers and Hayley Tanner come on down

Rocky: The other way to go is to tie a hefty bag around her waist that way we'd only have to change her on trash day

Riker: Jr Jammy time Ha

Rocky: It's you

Riker: All right we go we put the leg in like so simply uh we tie like this very nice

Rocky: Wow snagging a plan I suggest something else we go with the lovely two peice ensemble from baby Almani

Riker: Using your head using your head all right here you go

Rocky: Oh yuppie baby

Riker: Oh this is great

Mark: Ok I got the girls

Rocky/Riker: TADA

Mark: Gentleman Tarzan who was raised in the jungle by apes went to bed in better shape then that baby

Riker: Big deal you're about a guy who wore diapers his entire life

Mark: I really appreciate the effort but I'll take it from here

Riker: Oh yeah now that all the work is done good night Hayley

Rocky: Imatating a baby Good night Uncle Jesse next time you see me I'll have a big surprise for you I don't care how many diapers I have on Ha Ha Ha ha Ha

Mark: Give me my kid oh you really are a good sport

Jonne'a: Hi Uncle Riker

Riker: How are you doing kid?

Jonne'a: What happened to my room?

Riker: It's pretty cool huh? look at this I hung Elvis up here

Jonne'a: Over my bunnies?

Riker: Jonne'a your bunnies are very pink

Jonne'a: My mom made these bunnies just for me don't you like them?

Riker: These bunnies I love these bunnies I'm sure Elvis had bunnies hanging all over Graceland

Mark: Ok riddle time what had brown hair purple PJ's and is way past their bedtime?

Jonne'a: Um Elvis?

Rocky: Jonne'a the sandman express is coming all aboard

Jonne'a: HO HO

Riker: You see that? Any of your ape friends do that for Tarzan?

Rocky: Next stop Jonne'a's bed

Jonne'a: Thank you sandman express

Rocky: And the sandman express runs every night

Rydel: If I get on now you'll drop me off at the nearest hotel?

Mark: Ok let's say goodnight

Riker: Alright goodnight JR babies

Jonne'a: Uncle Riker tell us a bedtime story

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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