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Your pov

Okay ... never expected that.

Zioni looks at me with pleading puppy dog eyes, along with Harry and Blue. Why.

"No I am not falling for those cursed puppy eyes. Nu-uh no way!" I say, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

That only causes them to come closer to me and give me even more intense puppy eye's. Why are these guys so damn cute and why doe Blue have to help he's to cute for my sanity.

"Please~" they all say at the same time.

Ah fudge this.

"Okay okay." I say in defeat. 

"YES!" they all yell, highfiving each other and Blue smiling like an angle.

I can hear Ben and Zed laughing their butts off and Doring let out a sigh. Whether it's irritated or relieved I can't tell. Corzac chuckles lightly and  rubs his head against my cheek in an affectionate manner. His soft scales smooth as ever. Man I've missed these guys. Smiling gently I gently stroke his neck with my free arm. An unsettling feeling of being glared at makes me look down.

"Kaa are you jealous?" I coo with an amused smirk. 

He huffs in irritation and reply's a "No" with an attitude. Still the same.

"Oh god damn it I've missed ya." Zed says as Ben comes closer with him around his shoulders. These two are more alike than I thought. For one their both smirking like idiots. But their my idiots.

"Yeah me to Zeds." I chuckle "Come on I'll show you the way to their base. And just so you all know I met them yesterday."

"AWESOME!" Zioni squeals and rushes to my side. Blue slowly extends his body with a cute smile,  gently he curls around my neck and closes his eyes.

"Oh another thing I forgot to mention. All these guys love to cuddle and take cat naps." I say brightly.

"I hate cats." Kaa mumbles.

We all laugh and start our way towards Optimus' base. Hopefully Sentinel isn't there.

Shockwaves pov

I stare at the laughing humans and snakes as they make their way towards one of the Autobots' base. I have been given strict orders from Lord Megatron to follow the human y/n and gather any information that I can about her. But as I look at them my eye wonders to the other femme. I remember reading a bit of her file, only her name and what animals she worked with. Zioni is her name ... I think. Her strange yet enticing dark style, beautiful long braided black hair that seems more firm than the other humans that I've seen her and sparkling green eyes. She acted so energetic and lively and yet dressed so darkly. This is very interesting.

Humming to myself in curiosity I make my way silently to the unsuspecting humans. The mysterious femme talks happily to the weaker looking mech with a bright smile. Her voice is quite nice, not to high pitched like that one femme that was trying (and failing miserably) to seduce the stronger male. That one was annoying and I was very tempted to just snap her neck to just shut her up. Some humans are just unbearable.

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