👑 THE START 👑 PART 1🔭🔬🔎( This story has 6 parts)

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In America, in a place called Alaska,there lived a girl named Heidi. She was not like other kids she was a girl who always liked to do things which were adventurous and exploring something new in a different way. That night Heidi laid her self in the bed as it was time to sleep But Heidi was not in a mood to sleep she was in a mood to explore so she decided to watch the stars ✨shining bright in the beautiful night sky through the hole of the telescope🔭.she was totally mesmerising seeing it. Suddenly she saw a shooting star and remembered that her mother said her wishes May come true if you wish upon a start so she wished 🤞🤞🤞that she should get super powers and do you think her wish came true read further to know what happened


.she carefully,was watching the shooting star land in a small grassland far away from her home. Guess what she decided to go to that place not alone but with her best friend named Kylie who also loved to explore new things and do adventurous stuff and she rushed to the hall and called her friend. They started the journey.On the way they saw their other five friends. Edmund he is the clever clogs of our team,Molly she understands things fast and scared of heights. Rebecca she is the topper of our science class. Heidi,s small twins Rosie and Robbie are small twins they are crazy and they all also decided to joined with us. Now we have the whole team.


As soon as we reached the place we saw the way was blocked with caution signs but we did not stop we moved the signs away and we reached the shooting star which fell from the sky. We spotted a lot of lillies which suddenly grow as Rebecca was the science topper we all decided to pluck the lillies 🌸🌸which looked strange and gave it to her to investigate as soon as we hand over it to her. We all fainted,then we work up,it was morning and Rebecca immediately grabbed the test tube from her bag pack and tested 🔬the flower petals of Lily with a bunch of chemicals and said : " from the test I came to know that this flower has magical powers and who ever plucked these will get magical powers. We all were curious to know what we're the powers we got but Rebecca said she will not be able to find out the powers and said we will have to check it .


Doing all this investigation are stomach started growling so we decided to eat in a restaurant.when we arrived at the restaurant we found a place to sit and after ordering our food . I needed a spoon and suddenly the spoon appeared.
Heidi (the main character):did you guys see that.🧐
Friends: Yes, that's strange.🧐
Rebecca: this is one of our powers.
Kylie: that's cool isn't it.😮
Robbie and Rossie: I love it
Heidi: I don't think it's safe for Robbie and Rosie.
Molly: Yes, the twins are crazy
Rebecca: Don't worry their so sweet.!!
Heidi: sweet!!!!!,
Molly: what ever just stop. I am hungry.
Edmund: with these powers we can help people.
Molly: not only people with these amazing powers we can help the👍 whole country .
Rebecca:Ok,guys this is just one of our powers after eating I am sure we will find more.
Heidi : that's true ,guys we should speed up in eating we have to investigate more.
We all started eating and we can out from the restaurant

Discovering powers🧤👣🔍

After the feast we were walking down the street we saw a lot of birds 🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦 and suddenly wings appeared from our body and we started flying
Heidi: I think we found our second power.
Rebecca: yeah!!!
Edmund: this is amazing,no one will have a experience of flying
Rosie and Robbie: (starts crying)
Heidi: Don't worry,I am there for you ,you can hold me
Twins: sure
Molly: (scared of heights)woah I feel puked 🤮
Everybody lands.
Heidi: Ok , what ever we think that would happen real.
Rebecca: Yes, that's what I conclude.

Save the day🏢
We see a building on fire🌋 and everyone decides to help .We flew to the ocean to take water and poured it on the building. We safe the day. We became the hero's of the day.


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