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As I approached the edge of the cliffs I heard their words echo in my head " Jump " I shouldn't " Jump" No " JUMP!" I jumped. I jumped right into the freezing waters. This is it. I'm going to die. No one would know. No one would save me. I'm truly alone. The sound of the waves crashing relaxed me. It's so peaceful. I heard the sound of water splashing, and a hand, a hand grabbed my wrist. No. NO! Let me drown! Please. Let me drown. I hate this god forsaken world. I jolted awake, 3:02 a.m. my clock read. " Dammit " I sighed " It was only a dream " I wish it wasn't

I grabbed my dream journal and quickly scribbled down what had happened in my dream. " Who saved me?" I questioned. I suppose it doesn't matter. How late is it? 3:10, perfect time for a walk. I opened my window and snuck out. Gotham City is a dangerously beautiful city. I scoffed. " I shouldn't be out this late" No one responded back. I wouldn't expect anyone too. I walked down the practically empty street. A few prostitutes, a few beggars, and stray animals were seen. Animals are so much better than people, especially parents. Animals don't make you feel like crap. I continued walking, getting lost in my thoughts as I tend to do. A sigh escaped my lips and I turned around to be met with a man's chest. " Excuse me " I muttered out

" What's a pretty fox like you doin' out so late?" His breath reeked of whiskey. Oh god. " Didn't your mama tell you to respond to someone when they ask you a question? " I barely had time to react as I felt a sharp sting on my cheek. He had slapped me. " I'm still waiting!" He exclaimed as he dragged me to a nearby alleyway.

" Oi! Let me go! I don't answer to the likes of you " I yelled. I kicked his shin and bit his hand. He yelled in pain and threw me against a wall.

" You bitch" he screamed " Oh, you're in for it now!" His hand flew up in the air to strike me but was stopped. A shadow dropped down in front of me and grabbed the man by his throat.

" What type of man hits a lady?" the deep voice of the shadow figure asked. His voice was cool and calm. Certainly intimidating. " Answer me!" He growled. 

" I-i don't w-want no t-trouble " the man  stuttered with fear. The figure scoffed and punched him knocking him out cold. 

" Pathetic" he muttered and turned to me.  Instinctively I got up and was ready to make a run for it. " I won't hurt you"

" How do I know?" I asked defensively

" Because I'm Robin.  I'm your savior. Now where do you live so i cam get you back safely"

I don't answer to the likes of you! I don't have to tell you! " I'm a runaway. I live in an abandoned apartment building "  Dammit you dumbass! " I can get there perfectly fine on my own"

" I highly doubt that.  Just tell me where and I'll be out of your way brat " he reached out  roughly yanked my arm towards him

" Oi! Let go!" I yelled

"  ROBIN! " An even deeper voice from above yelled and a shadow dropped behind Robin. " Let. Her. Go"

Robin made a noise as he let go. " Whatever "

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