My White Christmas

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It was winter. Shinha’s favorite season. She loved seeing the white snow fall down slowly. She loved the way the snow twinkled. The way it fell onto her face. The way it was all so white and beautiful, but most of all, her birthday. She was born on the day before Christmas. That’s right; she’s a Christmas Eve baby. Some people say it sucks to have your birthday on that day because you only get one present. A birthday and Christmas present combined. To her, that didn’t matter. She didn’t care if she got gifts or not. She only wanted to spend that wonderful day with the people she loved; her mom, dad, and best friend Kikwang.

 He looked like a prince. Every time he smiled, his eyes would turn into a little crescent. He had the perfect facial features. It would be stupid of her if she said she didn’t fall for his good looks, or ever had feelings for him, but she knew that they were never possible. Why? Cause he has a girlfriend. They have been dating for a year now. His girlfriend, Jiyeon, knew that Shinha and Kikwang have been best friends since forever, and she doesn’t mind.

 Sometimes Shinha wondered why he went out with Jiyeon, and he always replied 'because she's different' . That was it. He always said the same answer. Shinha understood that since they're a couple and all they need some time alone together, but lately, they haven’t been spending anytime together. Jiyeon would always find some excuse to get him to hang out with her, so Shinha was always alone. When Shinha and Kikwang made plans, he always had to cancel them because of Jiyeon.


 "Maybe I should call him" Shinha thought. It's been weeks since they've last hung out and she missed him. Lying on her bed, she kept wondering if she should call him or not.

 "Ugh, this is hard. I do miss him though… and I really want to hang out with him too. It's been weeks since we've last talked and hung out. All because of his stupid girlfriend, I can't get any time with him. Whatever. Just call him Shinha; if he says he's busy or won't pick up, we'll just have to find a new friend. Alright. Let's do this. Fighting Shinha! Fighting!" she chanted.

She sat up, flipped out her phone, and dialed his number. It started ringing. It kept ringing until the fifth ring then someone picked up.

 "Hello?" she quietly said.

 "Hello? Who's this?" it was a girl’s voice.

 'Weird. Was it Jiyeon?'

 "Jiyeon? It's Shinha" she answered.

 Truthfully, Shinha was afraid of Jiyeon. She had that aura around her that was a little frightening.

 "Oh. What do you want?" Jiyeon asked sounding annoyed.

 "Oh" Shinha was a little shocked hearing the tone in Jiyeon's voice.

 "Well? What is it?" Jiyeon asked sounding more annoyed now.

 "I was wondering if Kikwang was there" Shinha told her.

 It was silent was a bit, then Jiyeon answered, "Yeah. Wait a minute". Shinha could hear her call for Kikwang in the background. She waited a while.

 "Hello?" Kikwang asked.

 "Oppa, it's me, Shinha. What have you been up to? I missed you. Let's get together soon? Maybe this week?" she asked.

 "Oh, Shin, how've you been? I missed you too. What have you been up to?" he asked. Only Kikwang was allowed to call her 'Shin'  she didn't even let her parents call her that. It was a special nickname for her from him.

 "I've been pretty good. Doing the usual stuff. School, school, and more school. I haven't seen you around school these days. Where have you been? Do you want to get together this weekend?" she replied. "You know Sunday’s a very special day" she said hinting that Sunday is her birthday.

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