How do I start?

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How do I start telling my story and especially where?  How can I start so that it is understandable?  Should I Start With my best friend Ashley?  With my first school day or in the middle of it? I think I start where I were at the beginning.  So where the whole fucking shit started.  Yes FUCKING SHIT.  Because in the state I am at the moment you can't put it any other way.  Sitting in a cold dungeon somewhere in the woods and getting something to eat every 4 days really can't be described as a luxury.

I start with the beginning...
It was at a morning, my parents and I had a really big fight, so I slept in my best friends house, her name was Ashley,we were best friends since middle school, and still had fun with each other,if you know what I mean.

Ash: So Toni what do you do because of your parents?

Toni: I dunno I hate them,they didn't even care about me

Ash: at least you have a mother, my mother is gone forever and there is nothing I can do,to bring her back and my dad hurts me he is a psycho

Toni: I'm sorry ash, I wish we could start somewhere new,but that's impossible

Ash: wait that's a great idea, we should get out of this boring town, why should that be impossible? you have a motorcycle and-

Toni: Ashley i was kidding

Ash: common T that would be our dream!

Toni: okay and where should we leave,we don't have the money and what about your dad and my parents

Ash: bisch your family is rich af,you could steal money from you parents and my dad...wouldn't miss me.

Toni: you have a point, let's do This Shit

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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