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"Beep, Beep, Beep". I awake to the sound of my alarm clock. It comes on so suddenly, It gives me a fright that rides the bones on my neck and falls down my spine, sending a chill through my body. It sends the hair on my chest shooting straight up and standing out on end.

It"s pretty easy to scare me, as you can see. I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock and suddenly notice I'm naked, what the heck?

I look to my left  and I see a girl lying on her back, arms and legs sprawled out in a sloppy pile.                                                                                                                                 She clearly had a rough night. Her bare chest is fully exposed and her vagina reeks of fish in that unpleaseant morning after way. Ughh, did I really sleep with that peasant. My god, What a tramp.

I quickly remember that my alarm had just rung and now I'm sitting here, five minutes behind on my schedule. so I quikly rummage through my drawers to find a plain white-T and a pair of clean underwear. I throw it on my bead and don't bother to wake the simple slut laying on my bed. I go over to my closet and pull out a pair of dark hollister jeans with fades around the pocket area, and a nice black blazer. I carefully set this down and head for my bathroom. 

I turn on the radio and the shower, and then begin to undress.

"Bang".  I hear a loud noise that sounds like it came from down stairs.


Two times can't possibly be a coincidence so I begin to redress, and don't  bother to turn off the shower or the radio.

If there was somebody in my aparment I wouldn't want to face them naked. I'd be at a total disadvantage, plus I'd be fully exposed. Once I've finished dressing I quickly move through my room and reach for the doorknob.



"Bang", I hear as I enter my room. this I'll admit, scared me.

Okay, let's just be completely honest, this scared the shit out of me. I didn't want to go down stairs but I knew I had to. 

I release my grip on the doorknob and pause so I can take a deep breath. When I face whomever It is down stairs I need to have a clear mind so I can make rational decisions, unlike last night when I invited that simple slut into my house and slept with her. Slowly I reach for the doorknob and this time while I still have the nerve worked up, I swing the door open and creep down the stairs.

Entering the the dining room I stumble over a stray loafer probably left there by my roomate, Zayn, ugh what a lazy-ass. I beleive as I walked into the dining room I heard a slight "creak", up the steps. It could've been anything, like the wood settling or some silly explanation that I was simply over thinking. At this conclusion I begin to turn around and go back up the stairs, until out of the corner of my eye I see what looked to be a figure walk from a side of the kitchen to the other, and I hear slight humming.

"hey Liam", I hear a familiar voice call out to me as I enter the kitchen.                                                 Could it be, is it possible? No, it couldn't be, Zayn isn't here he's on the highway, probably just getting out of work. He will be arriving at "The Black Kettle" in about thirty minutes, and waiting for me with his beautiful smile, his beautiful gleaming eye's, his un-naturally perfect but yet totally amazing cheek bones and all.

I guess it was possible because as I rounded the corner,  I saw my roommate Zayn. I look at him and decide not to tell him that I thought he was a burgler and how I totally over-reacted, or the fact that I almost peed my pants when I got to the door to begin my investigation. Instead I speak of a totally different subject, "The Black Kettle" 

"So are we still gonna go to the Black Kettle? "


"Don't tell me you forgot? " 

Zayn didn't know it yet but I really had to tell him something, something that might change us forever. Yesterday I had a donut and I split it in half. I looked at the two pieces and thought about me and zayn and how we fit together so perfectly. Kind of like the two pieces I was holding in my hand. I got a flash back of times we spent together and then started thinking about how I really feel about him. In that moment I realized it, we were meant to be.

 I remember all those times I purposefully pissed zayn off so he'd jump on top of me and pin me to the ground, his hot breathe blowing restlessly all over my neck, my halfly erected scrotum rubbing on him as we wrestled to the floor from the couch, and the pleasureful pressure I felt when he fell on top of me. I realized it now more than ever. I wanted to change directions, and I wanted Zayn to follow. He was meant for me, and we were meant to be. 

Changing Directions (L.P.)Where stories live. Discover now