Only time will tell (chapt. 2)

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" I thought that we weren't gonna go to The Black Kettle untill tomorrow"?

I ponder this for a second, and then realize that Zayn was right. Feeling his eyes burn into mine, I start to blush shades of pink and we fall into a moment of silence untill as it seemed to be an hour later, our best friend Niall pops onto the other side of our answering machine. When he comes on the first thirty seconds of the message seems to be nothing but silence and the sound of him obnoxiously chewing into the bottom end of the phone. It sounds like it could be carrots, but thats not what my worry was. Once he had finished chewing his food he spoke words that were harsh against my eardrum.

"Im sorry, But it's over. I'm ending it all, one little leap and I'll fall, don't try to save me, for you'll be too late, but if you do you'll find me just past our favorite gate. " He pauses for a moment and takes another bite, and for another thirty seconds, we listen to our friend take what might be his last bite of food, then he hangs up the phone.

We know what he speaks of and it's not something we thought he'd ever do, even though he says it all the time. Zayn and I sit and think about the words we hear our dear frieind speak, hoping that he wasn't serious. Hoping that he wouldn't kill himself. We sat thinking of the clue he gave us when he spoke those three short lines and soon forget about the mix up we had with The Black Kettle.  We had to find him before it was too late, before our friend Niall entered the gate. Before he killed himself.

We sit in silence but still somehow seem to speak, we exchange looks that speak in some telepathical form. We both, as if on cue, blurt out,

"The treehouse! "

We used to visit it every Friday after we went swimming at Harrys Parent's lake house in the summer. We'd sit and talk about everything we missed about each other during the week. We would spend hours just talking and joking around.We were the only people who knew where it was. The cool thing about it was that we had electricity in our treehouse. Since I had just finished some bull-shit technology camp, that my parents made me go to, I figured I might as well use my skills, so I rigged up some old generator to power the whole thing.

Since we built the treehouse it was ours, forever, it held the five of us together with non-existent imaginary fibers. It brought us really close and gave us a secret that we still hold deep inside us to this very day. 

One day we were sitting down and watching T.V. not doing anything special because we were tired from racing at the lake earlier that day. We noticed that Harry and Louis were sitting rather close together. Everybody pretty much ignored it because we knew that Harry and Louis had known each other for a longer  time, so we thought it was natural for them to sit together in that way.

Things seemed to be normal until Louis and Harry gave each other looks that expressed Mamihlapinatapai. Louis leaned in and thier mouths hugged one another. Their lips moving back and forth together in perfect harmony, Louis slowly moved down following a trail on Harry's neck. Harry began to moan as Louis gently sucked the skin and left wet trails. For a moment we sat and looked in awe as our two friends showed their true colors, they were together in a way none of us had known before.

About a minute later they separated themselves and looked once at each other and then turned to us,  as if to see what we thought of their " show ".

Louis spoke first.

" We wanted to tell you before but we didn't know if we could trus--".  Harry cut in as if he didn't agree with the words Louis was speaking.

" We didn't know if we wanted to keep going or if we were going to stop. Now that we decided to stay together we thought that you were going to find out anyway and figured we might as well tell you now."

" Exactly." Louis added as if he needed to feel like he had said something important about the situation.

"We need you guys to promise that nobody will find out about this, nothing that happened today can be talked about with anyone."

" No matter how much you trust the person you want to tell," Harry added.

Harry and Louis put there hands in a pile and motioned for us to join in. Niall went first, then Zayn and then finally, I put my hands on top. We all exchanged looks and we made a pact. From that day forward we never told anybody about anything that happened in the treehouse.  The pact we all said was " what happens in the treehouse stays in the treehouse." and it's forever been that way, even though we've all grown up and no longer visit the treehouse.

" Heeey people ",  We hear a very unfamiliar drunken voice call out in a slurred manner. 

"wh-who was that", Zayn whispered to me.

" I don't know ", I murmur.

I have an idea of who it may be but I don't give Zayn any hint. I hope it's not that simple slut I'd left in my bed earlier, I totally forgot about her. I slowly start to gain image of her in my mind and shake my head in  disgust, surely Zayn won't  give me a chance if he sees that I've been with her.

I rush past him and tackle her, she opens her mouth to scream but I place my hand over her mouth before the sound reaches the end of her tounge. I whisper in her ear, "Shhh". 

" Mhhmmm, Mhhhmm, Mhhmmmhm", she tries to speak, but my hand is covering her mouth with my full palm.

This comes off kinda creepier than I had meant it to so I follow up by saying, " I'm not gonna hurt you."

"I'm gonna take my hand off your mouth now, please don't scream." I take my hand off her mouth and she doesn't try to scream.  Thank god she didn't.

I pull out twenty dollars so she can pay for a cab and hold it out to her, then I motion for the door. She takes the money and whispers, " Thanks for last night ". I smile gently at her and she turns to leave. As soon as I hear the door close my smile drops off the edge of my face like gravity became too strong for me to hold it up. I quiver in digust when I think about all the possible things that could've happened last night between the two of us. Jesus Christ, that girl and I were together. I actually entered her, I feel my stomach flip and I double over. I stand up straight and remember that I have a bigger problem to worry about.

Niall. I push the slut's image to the back of my mind and turn to go talk to Zayn about the situation with Niall. We have to get Harry and Louis and go back to the treehouse. 

Just like old days except this time we have a mission, this time is for real.

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