Chapter One

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Vienna Crouch lived a relatively simple life. Her older brother was kind to her, her father rarely spoke to her, much less looked at her. But it didn't matter, she had Winky, the house-elf who raised her almost from birth, and her brother who tried to spoil her every chance he got.

Barty Jr. would send Winky out to buy food and clothing, and every once in a while, something dessert-like, for Vienna, Winky, and him. Vienna always thought of Winky as her friend, not a servant. Winky was startled at first, but accepted it, after Vienna said she had to, because she was not going to change her mind.

One windy, rainy afternoon in June, Vienna was being taught how to dance by her brother in the ballroom, when an owl came into sight, and flew into the window.

At the thump, Winky paused the music, and went to fetch the owl. She brought it inside, gave the letter to Vienna,

"Here, Miss Vienna! It is for you!" she squeaked, and went to the kitchen to dry off and feed the owl. Vienna opened the envelope, and took out two pieces of parchment. Her squeal of delight could be heard by all. Winky came rushing back,

"What is it, Miss? Is something not going well?"

"No, Winky, I got my Hogwarts letter!" Vienna clasped Winky and her brother in a hug. "I'm going to Hogwarts!"

"Aww, I thought it said Beauxbatons?" Barty joked,

"Bartyyy!" Vienna whined,

"Ennaaaaa." he mocked.

"When can we get my supplies?"

"Hmm," Barty pretended to think, "September 21st."


"I'm kidding, Enna! We can go later today, what do you think?"

"Okay! But let's finish the dance, Barty, please?"

"Sure! But you have to let go of your letter!" he teased, Vienna rolled her eyes.

"Hey, Winky? Would you put this on my desk, please?"

"Of course, Miss Vienna. Winky is glad to help you!"

Winky took the letter and popped up to Vienna's room, placed the letter on the desk, and popped back down to the ballroom, and played the music.

* * *

"Come on, Winky!" Vienna ran down to the bookstore, from the bank.
"Miss is too fast for Winky! Would Miss please slow down, so Winky can keep an eye on her? Master Bartemius said to keep you out of trouble, Miss. And so did Master Barty." (Master Bartemius = Barty Crouch Sr. Master Barty = Barty Crouch Jr.)
"Alright, Winky, I'll be slower."
"Thank you, Miss."
"No problem, Winky."
Vienna slowed to a walk, and let Winky catch up to her. They bought Vienna's books, at Flourish and Blott's. her robes at Madam Malkin's. her cauldron at Potage's Cauldron Shop, her other supplies at various other stores, and her owl at Eylop's Owl Emporium.
Finally it was time to get a wand.
As they walked up to Ollivander's, an older woman and a young girl almost ran into them.
"I'm so sorry ma'am!" Vienna squeaked jumping back.
"It's quite alright, young lady, we weren't looking where we were going. What's your name?" The woman smiled kindly at her.
"Crouch, Vienna Crouch. I'm going into first year at Hogwarts." Vienna kept her gaze on the ground,
"How lovely. This is my goddaughter, Phoenix. My name is Narcissa Malfoy."
Vienna looked up, "A pleasure to meet you, Lady Malfoy. And you, Miss Phoenix."
"Mrs. Malfoy or Narcissa will do just fine, Vienna." Mrs. Malfoy smiled,
"Of course, Mrs. Malfoy."
"And you can call me Nix, only Lucius calls me Phoenix." Phoenix held out her hand, and Vienna shook it,
"It was lovely to meet you, Vienna, but I'm afraid my son is waiting at Madame Malkin's for me."
"See you at Hogwarts, Vienna." Phoenix smiled,
Vienna smiled back, "Of course. Goodbye, Mrs. Malfoy. Goodbye, Nix."
As Mr. Malfoy and Phoenix headed away from Ollivander's, Vienna headed in.
"Ah," Ollivander was in front of the desk waiting, "Ms. Crouch. It seems only yesterday your brother was in here for his wand. Pity he's gone, he was a fine young man."
"Yes. Though I never met him. He died soon after I was born. As well as my mum."
"This is your house-elf, I'm assuming? No father?"
Vienna stiffened, "He had to work." She said shortly. She didn't like her father, without WInky or Barty, she'd be in an orphanage.
Ollivander smiled and dropped the subject. "Let me see... Which is your wand arm?"
"Yes, yes, alright." He gave the tape measure a tap, and it flew up and started measuring Vienna.
He flitted through the selves taking down possible choices, and started her off with a "Holly and Unicorn hair, 9 inches, fairly firm, give a go."
Vienna flicked the wand, and... nothing happened.
"Interesting. Almost the complete opposite of what will suit you, I think. Try this one, Alder and Dragon heart-string, 13 and a half inches, slightly springy."
Vienna flicked the wand and a case fell off the table. Ollivander snatched it away.
"No, no, still not quite right... let me see." He left the boxes he had picked out beforehand on the desk, clearly thinking they wouldn't work, anymore. He went all the way into the back, saying, "Perhaps one of these."
He came back with only one box, but it was a newer one, and the date stamped on the side said it was made only a month ago. "It's a newer idea, and I've only tried it this once, but we'll see if thi is the right one for you."
"What is it?"
"Two woods grafted together, Cedar and Apple wood, an odd match, but it worked. They fit together almost as two peas in a pod. Your brother had a Cedar wand, I believe. And your father an Apple. Here, go on. Give it a wave."
Vienna picked it up, and immediately felt warmer, like there was a wool blanket wrapped around her, something Barty would do for her when they would practice their Mermish with the Merpeople in the lake. She waved it around, and yellow butterflies flew out the end, dancing around the store.
Ollivander laughed, "A perfect match! I was worried for that wand, you know, I didn't think it would sell, seeing as many people think traditional one-wood wands are the best."
"What's the core?"
"Unicorn hair, I never do anything outlandish with cores, they're trickier than the wood. 12 inches, very firm. Only six galleons for you, Miss Crouch."
Vienna handed him the money, thanked him profusely, and left the store with Winky.
"We must hurry home, Miss Vienna, Master Barty will worry if we is out too long, miss."
"Of course, Winky, let me make sure my bag is secure." Barty had put an Undetectable extension charm on her bag, and made different pockets for everything so that nothing would get damaged. "Alright, I'm good to go."
Vienna took Winky's hand, and Winky apparated them back to the manor.

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