Chapter 14
That atmosphere in the staff room was stifling. Sarah and I were the only people in the room and I could have cut the tension with a knife.
"Aaron King?" She blurted.
"Can we not?" I looked at her with dead pan eyes. I don't think I slept last night, not a wink. I had too many thoughts flying around one mind. I felt I couldn't take a break from it.
"I could barely sleep last night." Sarah sighed. It was if my mind was speaking for her. She couldn't sleep last night? I wanted to scoff while the bags under my eyes laughed with me. "Why are you looking at me as if you want to murder me? Has Aaron King been rubbing off on you?"
"Sarah, honestly, I wish you'd fuck off." Even I was shocked at my reply. It wasn't like me to be so mean to other people. Maybe Aaron was rubbing off on me. "I'm sorry." I sighed. "I didn't sleep last night either, I just don't want to talk about it."
"None taken." Sarah holds up her hands with the sandwich she was eating grasped loosely in her fingers. "You needed to grow a pair of balls anyway."
I wanted to scoff again, but I knew she was right. I was getting frustrated at myself, I hated the woman I had become. In fact, I don't think I ever liked the way I was.
Without replying, I stood up from my seat. I needed to get back to work. I placed my rubbish in the bin.
"I'll see you later." I said to Sarah, who was leaning back in her seat, tapping away at her phone.
"Chin up, Chloe." She said. "One day you'll get out of this mess." I wanted to smile but I couldn't seem to muster up the energy.
I left the room, rubbed my hands across my trousers and got back to work.
It was dinner time for the inmates so I went straight to the hall. It was bustling as usual and I felt as if my head was too far in to fantasy land to be useful.
Whilst I was standing in the corner of the room, keeping an uncareful watch across the hall, a thought came to me. I hadn't thought of Aaron most of the day. Yet, as soon as I did, every part of my body stood to attention.
Where was he? He was always so mysterious, but I don't think I'd ever be able to miss him in a room. Do you think he felt as shitty as I did? I suppose he always felt shitty being cramped in all four walls.
I was starting to hate this place too.
"I fucking hate women working a male's job." I heard a voice coming from the table ahead of me. Phillip Douglas, behind bars because he was a rapist. I looked over at the table and his eyes were looking right at me.
I wanted to retreat, yet all I could feel was a simmering anger.
I ignored him.
"Women are only good for one thing." He stated. I heard more snickering throughout the rest of the table. Phillip was still looking right at me.
The anger was bubbling up inside me. I could feel it within my veins. It was never like me to want to rip the head off the shoulders of someone else, but right now, I wanted to.
That's why I always thought I'd be good at this job. I was sensitive, yes. I was easily walked on, yes. But I wasn't fazed by many things or many people. I could cry about it and then forget it and move on with my life.
"Whores." He said. "Sluts." He continued. I looked right at him, my anger elevating to dangerous levels. The twinkle in his eyes were prevalent and I couldn't seem to forget about it. "Is the little flower angry?" He taunted.

Aaron | ON HOLD
RomanceWhen Chloe Collins gets her dream job as prison guard in one of the biggest jails in California, she realises she will be working with some of the most dangerous criminals in the world. As a naive and innocent woman, Chloe does not realise just how...