My Love

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After the night at the club I woke up at the hospital to see a handsome boy staring at me he was a brunnet with light Brown eyes and a muscular face he had a body of a super model. I was surprise to see him but he looked very familiar like I met him before. I asked him if I ever met him before
Me "Have I ever met you before"

He said yes my name his John then I remembered he was Mark enemy from the other gangster. I was frightn because he knew I was Mark girlfriend his enemy why would he be here. I asked him why was he here
Me "umm why are you here"
John " I was the one who brought you to the hospital. After you dropped on stage and got knocked out I saw Mark shaked his head and left so I felt sorry for a pretty babe like you just lying there on the ground knocked out cold so I toke you up and brought you to the hospital"
Me" oh thank you "

I felt my face started to blush I knew because of the way he was looking at me and laughing. I really felt safe and secure around him. He was nice very nice and cute to me then he leaned in and kissed me on my forehead and said" I got to run love.... But I will be back for you" and just like that he left. The doctor came in After him and checked up on me He told me that I fell because I had a panic attack but he said I would be ok and could leave by tomorrow. I was happy but sad because even if I left the hospital tomorrow were would I go its oblivious that Mark did not care for me anymore since he left me to die at the club after I fell I was angry very angry and sad I thought after the doctor let me out tomorrow I would go over to Mark's house and cruse him for leaving me like that at the club.

The next day

After the doctor let me out I walked to the parking lot were John met up with me.
John " he were you going shawty"
Me " Home, think you can give me a lift"
John "shawty you know that me and your man don't gree so I don't think so"
Me " please... come on I think i'm going over there to break up with his sorry ass"

I then saw John face light up and he just smirk and nodded to me to go in I did it was a 30 minutes ride a very awkward one niether both of us talked we just listen to the music on the radio. When we finally reached there John decided that he was coming up there with me just incase of anything so I allowed him when we reached up there I knocked for a couple of times but no answer so I just got the key from under the mat and opened up the door we went in I checked all the rooms but did not find him so I shouted to John "looks like he is not home john"

John "ok I will wait with you until he comes home"

Me"ok" do you want anything while you wait"

John "um a drink would be nice"

Me "what kind"

John "um do you have wine"

Me "yea"

I brought him the wine and throw out some for my self we sat on the couch and just drank the wine then I felt John coming closer to me then he layed me down on the couch and started kissing me passionately I stopped him but then I remembered what Mark did to me so I didnt care and I started kissing him back passionately our lips were in a sync together then. John started to pull my blouse open and I started to unbuckle his pants he opened my blouse and kissed me on my neck I let out a soft groan he juss smirked and continued down to my breast he then took off my bra and kissed my breast he moved down to my belly and kissed my belled he then started to use his teeth and bite my panty I let out another groan but before he could continue the door swung open and Mark came in shocked and angry I jumped up from underneath mark and started to put on my clothes mark then finally said"Jahmyah what the fuck is going on her.. Shawty what kind of trash is this you brought in our house even if you were making love with somebody else you could have done better than this garbage" I gave him a disgusted look went into the bedroom and started to pack my clothes out of the closet Mark came in and said shawty what you doing and took my suitcase and throwed it down on the bed he grabbed my hands and drawed me close and said " after every thing i have done for you... Been your friend your man your every thing this is how you repay me by cheating on me with my enemy in our house" I then response and said"why you complaining you cheated on me with that Hoe sasha.... By even taking a bullet for her... Then by that you drove me to the club to do what I did I went there because I was hurt very hurt I wanted to find Sasha but when I hint the stage and got all the attendition I didnt care anymore and jyst enjoy my self and after you saw me fell you just walked didnt even care for me if I was dead or alive"I started to cry and sat on the bed he then came close to me and whispered in my ears "I'm sorry babe and I did not cheat on you with Sasha. She was going to get shot so I jumped in front of her and took the shot for her I was just trying to be a gentle man to a lady"

He then whip my eyes and kissed me on my forehead he then layed me down on the bed him on top of me and said "I left the club cause I was really upset I did'nt want my woman showing off her property like that and if I hurt you I am sorry" he then started to kiss me but I just pushed him off and whispered in his ears lets finish this tonight. Then gave him a smirk and walked out of the room to break the news to John that I was staying I explained every thing to John and he said he understand and if I need anything I should just come to him he then kissed me again passionately and said "when you leave that ediot your gonna be all mine" I. Gave him a smirk and kissed him on the cheek then he left

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