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A/n hey guys! If your like me and have a mad soft spot for topper than this is for you :) This isn't going to be based on the plot of the show just on the characters! The only thing that will stay the same is John b and Sarah are together and she did cheat on topper. And the riveraly obvi. Thank you!

Welcome to outerbanks. We're the money you made defined you more than your personality. We're the car You drove gave you more friends than anything.

My friends were all pogues. Mostly anyways. Sarah and Kei were kooks but hung out with us. I don't know why but they did.

Kei was my best friend for as long as I knew. She was mostly concidered a pogue because she hung out with us so much. Sarah was John b, my brothers best friend, girl friend. She was also my best friend . We hung out a lot when John and Jj would be out.

John b was kinda the leader of the group. Jj was my twin brother, He did a lot of stupid stuff. A lot of people don't even realize we're related because of how different we were.

Then there was pope. He was also one of my best friends. Jj and John b didn't go to school a lot so Pope was my friend I hung out with there.

And then there was me. Anastasia maybanks, mostly known as JJs sister. My friends all called me stassie though.

And this is the story of how I fell for our enemy.


A loud caw from the rooster woke me up from the couch of John bs house and I groaned. "I'm going to I kill that chicken." Jj walked in the room eating a piece of bread. "He's my favorite." I rolled my eyes at my brother and sat up. "What time is it?" I looked at my watch and groaned. "Time for you to get to work." Jj stated walking back into the kitchen.

I sighed standing up and going into the bathroom and getting dressed for work. I was a golf caddy for a country club on the kook part of the island.

I didn't mind the job but jj and john b hated me having it because my job was basically to be kooks servants. I didn't mind kooks to be honest. Why hate someone who you wanan be like? If I had money and didn't grow up in the house hold i did, I'd want pogues to like me.

I got dressed in my uniform and walked outside to the pier where my little boat was. It wasn't much but it was cheaper than a car. I had kei take me to work everyday before I could afford to buy it. I got in and turned it on and coasted off towards to other side of town.

Alittle while later I got to work and parked my boat on the bank. I clocked in and said hi to my boss. She was nice I liked her. She was kinda like the mom I never had. "Morning Ms. jones." I said grabbing the key to the golf cart off the rack. "Morning stas. Did you boat to work again?" She asked glaring at me. I sighed and nodded "i told you I would pay for your Uber! It must take twice as long to get here." She stated. I smiled at her and shrugged "it's no problem. I just leave alittle earlier." Ms. Jones smiled sadly at me and nodded. She once tried to buy me a car but I just deny deny deny. I don't want to be in her debt.

I walked to the front desk. "Hey Jess." I said to the girl working the front desk. I sat on the chair next to her and spun around. "Hey stassie." She yawned. Me and her were work friends I guess who could say. She signed in people and booked me to be there caddie for there time. Most of the guys just tried to hit on me but alittle attention never hurt anyone.

"Rafe Cameron." Rafe said to Jess signing in. "Sup tweedle dee." I said leaning over the counter. "Stas." He said nodded towards me. He wouldn't admit he was friends with me but I know he enjoyed my company. Me being friends with Sarah, when me and her would hang out Rafe would be there sometimes. "Where's tweedle dumb?" I asked. "Ah there he is!" I smiled at topper who was walking Up behind him. "Topper Thornton." He said to Jess and then sent me a small smile. Jj would kill me if he knew I had a crush on topper. So would everyone else. "Hey Stassie." He said. I smiled at the boys and jumped down from my chair swinging the keys on my finger. "Ready?"


I never engaged a lot in topper and rafe conversation unless they included me, I just handed them there clubs and drove them from hole to hole.

"Hand me that one will ya?" Topped said pointing to the one I was holding. I handed it to him and grabbed his other one.

"So stas Im having a party." Rafe started backing up to the golf cart looking at me. I rolled my eyes "don't do parties."

"Told you rafe." Topper said hitting the ball.

I scoffed and eyed topper "told him what?"

"That your too good to do parties." He said leaning up against his club and looking me up and down. I turned to rafe "time?" Rafe smirked "6:30." I nodded. Topper rolled his eyes. "What are you doing stas?" I looked him up and down now. "Going to a party."

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