Day one

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Living in a big city was never something Girasoli wanted. But he couldn't escape it. Not until he met Rose.

Rose never identified as a female or a male, even if biologically male. They weren't one or the other. They saw themselves as free from the binding ropes of gender roles and identity. Therefore they ran away from home around the age of 16, living in a field of roses. Therefore, naming themselves after such a flower.

When Girasole came across them, he instantly felt a deeper connection to them. Something indescribable. So they travelled together, going through the life of being off the grid. Living off of everything around them. The two Italians felt safer and safer...until the gripping hands of society found them again.

How will they react when forcefully separated by family and friends?

| Day One |

Girasole never fit in. He never saw himself as apart of the whole. Roaming by himself and doing things individually always seemed like the best thing to do. So he had always failed in some way. Failing in school due to his inability to participate with his fellow students or ask questions, failing to establish relationships with strangers or even his family, and now failing to get a job.

So he felt done. Ready to just give up right then. Knowing he'd be alone all his life. Knowing that his chances of becoming something important wouldn't happen. After so many years of being forced to work in a team, he decided that now he could escape it all. Leave it all behind.

In front of him laid his backpack. The beat up and void of color sack laying limp on the floor. Girasole watched it lay there. Kicking the useless bag. But he had no time to get another one. So, in his bag, he packed away a small amount of clothes, some non perishable food items, and a small pot for boiling whatever water he found. When done with packing that all away, he smiled. Knowing a week away from his home with the limited supplies would be such a relief.

Walking at an even pace down the street, he saw the forest. It almost embracing his presence. The welcoming evening sun making relief flow through him. Glad to finally escape. After some more walking he was away from society. Deep into the forest. Setting up a makeshift bed next to a stream of water. He sat on the ripped up cloth and looked at the water. Holding his bag close. Knowing no one would miss him. They probably wouldn't notice the loss in his presence. So he had no issue with the thought of staying out here. Until he heard the sound of branches snapping, small stomps of clacking boots walking through the forest.

This caught the brunettes attention, his baby blue eyes snapping to look over at who it was. His navy blue sweater scrunching up when he turned, the light and ripped cuffed jeans a wonderful addition to his outfit. Some black sneakers thrown on lazily. His features sharp, yet sad and lonely. Sunken and round eyes, watching the direction of the footsteps. His heart speeding up due to the danger in this situation. His small button nose following his sweaters lead and scrunching slightly. His gentle and wet pink lips slightly agape in case he needed to scream. As he clenched the cloth under his lean and weak figure.

Eventually a man walked out. Around 5'2" from just looking at them. Looking small and frail. But happy? It was odd. Since they looked young. Around the age of Girasole. Having some messy auburn colored hair, and some dark chocolate eyes. Bushy, unkept eyes brows and glasses to top it all off. When Rose saw Girasole they smiled and waved. Lightly tanned skin shining in the orange hues of the sun.

"A stranger? Hello! I am Rose. Who are you?"

The friendliness confused Girasole. But he felt an odd connection. Like he should talk. When usually he'd roll his eyes and ignore the person of interest, this time he wanted to try and change up his act. He stood and walked over, holding his hand out for them to shake. Trying to be friendly. And to make changes in himself.

"I am Girasole."

"Okay! What is your business here? --oh! Are you a runaway as well?" Rose questioned with a smile, shaking his hand blissfully.

" A temporary one. Until I can change myself." Girasole responded as he slowly took his hand back and set it into his pocket.

"Well, why don't we travel together? The woods are a bit dangerous. And you travelled very light. I have extra supplies if you'd like to come to my camp?" They smiled, wanting to have a buddy for living out here. Since they were admittedly lonely. And felt a very similar connection that Girasole felt.

Girasole nodded. Thinking that'd be a fine idea. "Sure. Lead the way, Rose." He smiled. And Rose did exactly that. Walking on, slow so Girasole could follow. To which he did after gathering his things. Until they made it to the camp. A beautiful opening to a small camp. A very sustainable one. The rocks laid around in a circle, revealing a small fire. His eyes then scanned a small cloth tent. Many things everywhere. This seemed like a very planned out camp.

All of the forest was beautiful, but this was the only place he'd rather be right now. It just felt right. So after some small talk where they introduced themselves further, a small yet delicious meal of cooked rabbit, and telling some stories around a fire, he was exhausted. So Rose and Girasole shared the medium sized tent. As both of them slept it was a rather easy day. Where Girasole felt himself growing comfortable with the idea of staying here. And felt like he could stay here for longer than a week! He felt like he and Rose were friends now. And therefore trusted him. Both had this connection, indescribable. But it was a tight bond. Very unbreakable

| Day one |

Rose ^

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Rose ^

Girasole ^

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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