Present Mic

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There was some argument on who would go to Present Mic. Some argued that they shouldn't go in a group, too hard to travel and too easy to intimidate. Others argued that he'd see they had everyone they needed and appear united. They decided on going together and walked to the teacher's lounge. Jirou knocked on the door and stood back. Aizawa opened the door looking extremely annoyed. "What?" He snapped and the whole group flinched, including even Bakugo and Todoroki. "We're starting up the band again. Can we talk to Mic?" Ashido says and Aizawa raises an eyebrow.

"Present Mic isn't h-" He says then is cut off by Yamada. "Hey kids! Thanks, Shouto. I got this." Aizawa rolls his eyes but walks away as Yamada leans against the door frame. "So, you're starting a real band, huh? I've got a sound room you can practice with and we still have the stage from festival, but advertising the band, recording, lights, sound set-up, and rehearsal schedule is all on you guys. Tell me if you need help, but its gotta be mostly up to you guys." He says and Jirou grins. "Thanks, Yamada-sensei!" She hugs him as Hizashi pats her head before she breaks away. "C'mon, I'll grab some keys and tell Shouto where we're going." He says and walks back into the teacher's lounge. There's a bit of noise that sounded like protest or arguing but he walks back out with keys and a smile.

"There's 5 keys. One will go to Midoryia, the other to Bakugo. I have one, Eraserhead has another. Its free to you any time, but if you break something one of you buys it. Keep up with your work at UA, if any one of you gets below a B+, this is over on school grounds and I take back the keys. Understand?" He says as he walks. The group follows him and agrees collectively. "Thank you." Mina says and Hizashi nods, seeming oddly out of focus. He finally walks over to a plain door and opens it with his key. It reveals a room with chairs and a table connected to sound equipment and a recording room along with another door along side a wall. "That's the side door to the auditorium. You can do concerts there, if it ever gets big enough. Tokoyami, you should visit Hatsume again." He says and Tokoyami nods. "I planned on it. Bakugo said he'd handle back up." Tokoyami says and Yamada flashes a skeptical look at the normally angry blonde. Bakugo holds up a hand and ignites small explosions to prove his point. Hizashi smiles and nods. "You can also hang out here as a band. Its important for a band to bond. Its easier to pick up on what each other is playing and makes you... less likely to break apart." He says and glances at the recording room.

Bakugo mutters a "tch" again as Kirishima grins and props his arm against Bakugo. "How hard could it be?" The red head asks jokingly. Hizashi just shakes his head and says, "Just don't forget it. Well, I'll leave you to it. Jirou, make sure no one breaks anything." He leaves after Jirou waves and smiles. They all sit down at the table with one extra chair that they just push aside. Midoryia sets down his notebook and Bakugo props his feet against the table. Momo and Midoryia sit up straight but Jirou props her elbows on the table and leans her head against them. Kirishima sits back in his chair but maintains good posture and Tokoyami does the same. "Name...?" Jirou asks. They all look at Deku and he shrinks in his seat. "Uh..." He says and glances down. "I didn't rea-" Bakugo cuts him off with a snap, "You didn't expect it to get this far, we get it. Someone come up with something."

"Ha, Impulse because that's basically what Midoryia had with this band." Jirou jokes and Mina perks up. "Hey, that's not bad!" She says and Jirou looks at her skeptically. "Are you serious?" Mina nods and says, "Sure! There's a lot of great one word bands out there." The group seems to think it over before Bakugo sarcastically replies, "In that case, we may as well use Anarchy." Mina does a little jump out of excitement. "That's perfect! Depending on the genre, anyway. Midoryia, please tell me you planned out a genre?" She says and Midoryia nods. "I was thinking rock and punk?" He seems shy about it but it goes extremely well with the group.

"Really!? Yeah, man!"

"About time."

"Hell yeah!"

"Nice choice."

"Rock it!"

Midoryia grins, happy that everyone accepts the genre and Mina nods. "Then it fits perfectly." She says with a smile. Bakugo rolls his eyes to hide the slight smile on his face. It all seemed to be coming together nicely. "Rehearsal tomorrow at 4:30, can everyone handle that? Preferably with instruments." Midoryia said and Bakugo rolled his eyes for the zillionth time today. "Tch, you guys have the easy jobs. I gotta find my old drum set, drag it out, and bring it here." He says and Kirishima replies, "I'll tag along tomorrow, we can hurry." Bakugo shrugs indifferently but doesn't turn him down.

"We've got a name and a genre. Do we have music?" Jirou asks and Midoryia nods. "I was thinking we'd do a few covers before doing anything original, but that's up to you guys." Midoryia says and Momo shrugs. "Let's just go for it, we can take our time on this." Kirishima says. "Okay, let's do it." Mina says in agreement. Midoryia waits a moment for anyone to oppose before nodding. "Okay, well here's the music and lyrics. Don't judge too heavily, I haven't been writing for long." Midoryia says with a slight blush before handing out corresponding folders. They start flipping through the papers inside and Momo turns to Midoryia curiously. "Can you hit that note?" She asks and points to a particularly high note where 'support melody' is written underneath on her sheet music. "Yeah, I just don't know if I can hold it." Midoryia says and opens a folder labeled, 'Lead Singer'.

Almost everyone gets out a pencil and starts taking notes. "I'm not really needed unless you get big enough for a concert, so do I still need to come tomorrow?" Tokoyami asks and Midoryia shakes his head. "We'll need you for band-bonding and auditorium tests but we're no where close to either. We still have to make one song work." Midoryia says and Tokoyami nods. "I'll visit Hatsume in my spare time, I can't depend on other people's quirks." He says, glancing at Bakugo in slight appreciation. "Don't make a big deal out of it, just do what you can." Bakugo says and Tokoyami nods. Midoryia hands him another notebook. "Here's the only copy of all the songs I've managed to write. I still have the original, so you can write in that one or whatever. Take your time, we won't be ready for a while. Also feel free to name any of them." He says and Tokoyami takes the notebook, flipping it open. He instantly starts reading out of curiosity and Bakugo looks up at Midoryia.

"You gave me a fucking solo on our first song?" He says. "Well, yeah. You're really good on drums so I felt like we could depend on you to kinda show we know what we're doing and not just messing around with instruments. I can change if its too much." Midoryia says, ducking his head slightly. "I've got it." Bakugo says sharply and Midoryia nods, used to his behavior by now. "Well, we've got ourselves a band." Jirou says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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