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Touring is lots of fun.
Being on stage is the best feeling for Perrie, Jade, Jesy and Leigh-Anne.
What most people don't know though, is that the real fun happens off the stage.

Every show is different: sometimes you perform in your hometown and family and friends come to cheer for you; sometimes the crowd is wild and you laugh a lot on stage; sometimes your boyfriend is there and certain songs suddenly gain a lot of meaning.
Sometimes after a show there's no time to rest and you're immediately on the bus travelling to the next location, whilst other times you get a whole night in a hotel, in a real bed, and if you're luck, you might even get a lie in.
That's what happened that night. The girls had been in the road for a couple of months now and the management decided to treat them and all the staff to a night off after the performance. Jade and Jesy decided to waste no time and alongside their dancers, went to the nearest club for a bit of fun. Perrie and Leigh-Anne were lucky enough to have both their boyfriends there that night so opted for a double dinner-date before getting back to the hotel and enjoy their men's company.

1.30 am.
A loud bang on the door.
Then another one.
And one more.
'Perrie wake up!'
Perrie opened her eyes a couple of times before realising it was her name they were calling. She looked at Alex still asleep next to her and wondered what time it was.
'C'mon Perrie, I need you!' Leigh-Anne knocked back impatiently.
Perrie finally decided to get out of bed, quickly put Alex's t-shirt and started to look for her underwater on the floor. She eventually opened the door and joined her friends in the hallway.
'What's going on?!'
'Jade and Jesy came back, they're so pissed.. look at that!'
The girls looked a mess. Jade was holding her shoes in her hand whilst hopping on one foot, Jesy had just been sick on the hotel's stairs whilst Claudimar, the girls dancer and one of their best friends, was trying to get her to her room.
'Oh for fuck sake!' Perrie covered her eyes with her hands. 'Right Leigh, plan of action.'
'Ok, what would you rather do: help clean up or sort out the girls?'
Perrie thought for a second. 'What's wrong with Jade?'
Jade hopped along to her friends laughing. 'I was dancing in the club but I didn't have me shoes on and I stepped on a bit of glass.'
Leigh-Anne arched her eyebrows. 'Have you got glass in your foot?! Right Pez, I'd rather be dealing with vomit that with this two.. I'll help Claud cleaning, you think of these two. Jade give Perrie the key for your room!'
Jade gasped. 'Oh shite! I think I left me bag in the taxi!'
Leigh sighed. 'Get Jesy's key then.'
'It's in my bag as well!'
Alex and Andre both woke up due to all the commotion and stood on the door of their rooms.
'What's going on mate?'
'I don't know but it looks like fun!'
They went to join the girls. Alex asked Perrie what was going on and she briefly explained the situation.
'Do you mind if they come in our room for a bit whilst we sort this thing out?'
'It's okay.'
Whilst Andre and Claudimar tried to tidy up the mess made by Jesy, Leigh-Anne called the taxi company to try and retrieve Jade's bag as quickly as possible.
Perrie and Alex took Jesy and Jade in their bedroom.
Luckily Perrie took Jesy to the bathroom Jesy in time as she started to be sick again. Jade threw himself on the armchair.
'This fucking hurts!'
'What have you done?' Alex asked looking at her foot.
'I've got a piece of glass in my foot.'
'Oh yeah I can see it. You want me to take it out?'
'Are you fucking crazy hun?! No way!'
'Don't be silly you can't keep that in all night! It's not all the way in anyway. Let me do it!'
Alex walked in the bathroom where Jesy was still being sick in the toilet whilst aperte was holding her hair back. He grabbed a towel and dumped some water on it before washing his hands.
'What are you doing babe?'
'Taking that piece of glass off Jade's foot.'
'Ok but please don't kill her because we need her for tomorrow's show! Also I'm sure Leigh would like to kill both Jade and Jesy herself!'
'I'll try my best!'
Alex only took a couple of seconds to sort Jade's foot out, then Leigh-Anne entered the room.
'There's your bag Jade, luckily the taxi driver dropped it at the reception as soon as he realised you left it in there! Where's Jesy and Pez?'
As soon as she said that, they all heard Perrie screaming from the bathroom.
'Jessica Louise Nelson! Why did you move?!'
Leigh walked to the bathroom only to find Jesy had been sick all down herself and Perrie's leg.
'Just put her in the shower, I'll go and grab her some pjs.' She walked towards the door looking at Jade. 'You two will never go out again! You're grounded!'
Perrie got Jesy undressed and told her to get in the shower. Jesy, who was usually a really happy drunk, couldn't stop chatting to Perrie. Jade joined them in the bathroom to put her foot in the sink under cold water.
'Pez are you coming in the shower with me?'
'No Jes, I'll rather pass this time.'
'Did you wish you were in the shower with Alex?'
'I wish I was still in bed, it's 2 o'clock in the morning. And I'm sure Alex is thinking the same. And Leigh. And Andre.'
'Did we interrupt you?'
'Trust me, I wouldn't have opened the door if we weren't completely done!'
Leigh-Anne walked back to the bathroom with both Jade's and Jesy's clothes, followed by Andre who sat on the bed with Alex.
'Man, never a dull moment with this lot!'
'You gotta love them though. Where you and Leigh asleep already?'
'No quite... just about to go to sleep, if you know what I mean!'
'Totally get you bro! We were just fallen asleep too.'
'Well at least the chaos started as we were both done!'
'Perfect timing hey!'
The girls came out of the bathroom. Leigh started to walk out with Jesy and Jade.
'But I want to sleep with Perrie tonight.'
'She doesn't want you tonight, sorry about that. What about you sleep with Jade? So you're both drunk and you can keep each other awake!'
Leigh opened the door to Jade's room and made sure both the girls got into bed before causing any more trouble.
Perrie and Andre waited for her in front of Jade's room.
'What a night!'
'Are you alright Leigh?'
'That's was eventful! Thank you for helping Pez!'
'Anytime! Night hun!'

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