no crying in the club

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*Four months ago* It was a Friday night and you were in a club. You were there with Your best friends but you had no idea where they were, they were probably with some guy you thought to yourself. Wishing you were as lucky as your friends you decided to get a drink. You had to work tomorrow, but who cared. Your boyfriend of 4 four years just broke up with you. And hell or high waters it would be in every magazine by tomorrow. You sat down at the bar and ordered a "tequila on the rocks with a lime on the side". As you were sipping on your drink some girl and guy started making out right beside of you. You groaned and got up and told the bartender to put it on a tab. You walked outside and called a Uber. When you got home you threw your shoes beside the door and walked up to your bed room. Their were about a million notifications when you opened your phone but you didn't look at them for two reasons 1, you knew they were about your ex 2, because you were sleepy and the only reason you got on your phone in the first place was to call your manager and tell her you wouldn't be in the studio tomorrow.*time skip to next morning around 10 o'clock*you made yourself a cup of coffee, you were still in your pajamas and you planned on staying that way for the rest of the day. You turned on the tv to see if it was on the news yet, it was. "Y/n and y/ex's/n are offishly broken up, supposedly because he had been seeing super model Vickie Lewis! More when we come back from this short break!" Said the woman on E news. You knew it, you just knew that he had been seeing her, y/b/f's tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen. Well two can play that game you thought *time skip to about 11 pm that night* *your dress is on the last slide* you get out the Uber with your friends and you all head inside as soon as your in there their gone "off with some random guys I'm sure" you say to yourself. Your sitting at your table with 5 shots of vodka you had already downed two so now you had three. You start to think of why you were here, did you really care that he cheated? Yes, you did and that's why you were here, to get back at him and to get back her. They both told you nothing was going on between them, and you believed them. How though, how do you get back at the two people that have hurt you the most? But then you thought "well I'm already here, not at my house in pajamas, watching sad movies and eating ice cream" and you looked like the baddest bitch there. That's when you saw the perfect opportunity. He was dancing against some girl that you knew he didn't come here with because you were both here for the same reason. He got cheated on by the model that your ex cheated on you with. You took another shot before you left. As soon as your feet hit the dance floor you were swaying to the beat, sweaty people all around you, then you made it over to him. The girl he was dancing with mouth dropped when she spotted you and he saw her do this so he turned around too. There he was Tom Holland dancing in a club because he's been cheated on and dumped and found out about most of it from the internet, just like you. His mouth dropped slightly but he picked it up before licking his lips and looking you up and down. He was wearing a white button up shirt that you could see right through and a pair of black trousers. "What do I owe the pleasure?" You asked him and smirked. "The pleasures all mine" he answered and you started to dance to the music again and so did he. Your body's were flush together and you were grinding on him while the song "say it by flume and Tove lo" played to where you could hardly hear any thing but the music and Tom breathing hard against your neck. "Do you wanna get out of here?" He yelled "I've been waiting for you to ask that all night" you replied. Before you left you walked over to your table and downed the two shots left. *in the Uber on the way there* you saw Tom eyeballing you and thought how reveling your dress was and how you regularly didn't dress like this. he put his hand on your thigh and you looked into his eyes and then at his lips. Then you arrived at Toms apartment. When you woke up you felt to arms around you and you panicked a little but then what happened last night came flooding back into your brain and you smiled to your self. "Good morning" Tom says and kind of startles you but you say "good morning" and roll over face him. He looks into your eyes and you do the same to him "did we just have sex because our ex's are together?" You asked and grinned "yeah we did, but I would like to have for a lot more reasons now." He smirks down at you.*Present time*"Y/n y/l/n and Tom Holland are officially together!" You watch on the news with a smile from Toms couch.

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