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"Don't do it Artemis, please I beg of you"  Aphrodite sat at my feet on her knees, tears in her eyes and pain in her heart.
"Oh Lee, do not make me choose, please" I plead back to her, the nickname making her eyes more sad.
It was a unusual scene, the goddess of beauty a mess at my feet, but no one spoke of it. The atmosphere surrounding the room was too tense. I hated it.
"You're a brave soul, Arty" Athena says from across the room her eyes boring into mine with such gratitude and kindness, but before I could speak Aphrodite shot up and pointed an accusing finger at everyone in the room.
"And you're all cowards! If you let her go through with this I will never forgive you all!" She shouted, tears of frustration rolling down her cheeks.
No one spoke or said anything.
There wasn't a thing she could say that would make them stop me. I wasn't going to stop either. This needed to be done and though seeing my best friends heart shatter in pieces in front of me was enough to make me want to cry I had to be strong.
"Oh lee, even in tears and snot you are beautiful" I say, making her turn around and look at me with those big blue eyes.
"Arty, please please" she said, running to me and holding both my hands in hers, "you don't have to do this we can find another way, we can fight them!" but even as the words left her lips, her eyes told me that she knew we would never win.
"And risk getting a chip on your nails, tsk tsk, never" I joked with her.
Her beautiful sad eyes turning angry.
"10 minutes until they arrive" Ares speaks up.
I nodded my head at him. Keeping my eyes on Aphrodite, I spoke out to the rest of them. "Would you all give us a minute?"
Before they left they all said they're goodbyes to me.
Eros gave me a hug, Apollo a quick kiss on the cheeks, Athena a pat on the back, Hermes a kiss on the forehead and Ares gave me a hug that lasted for a minute. The rest all gave me a final nod.
Once they had left I led Aphrodite to a couch and we sat.
"Arty, stop making me beg and just stay" she said speaking out into the silence. She wasn't looking at me but at our entwined hands.
I raised her face to meet mine with my hand, I had to make sure she understood what I was about to say.
"You know that I would if I could. I'd walk away right now and we'd go back to your house and laugh and cry while you tried fixing me up with any bloke off the street" she gave a small laugh that held sadness in it.
"but I have to do this. What good would it be to walk away now when we're so close to being safe? I could never live with myself if I made everyone fight and die because I'm too selfish to want to do the right thing and you couldn't either. This choice I'm making, is one I've made peace with. The only one who hasn't is you." She sat in silence staring at me.
What seemed like hours but was only a couple minutes passed before she nodded her head.
"Ok" she said, her voice breaking. "If you are so sure this is what you want" she said giving me one last out.
I smiled at her.
"I'm sure"
Closing her eyes in pain she gave me a sad smile back.
The silence didn't last long though as a big explosion sounded from out the door.
We both looked at each other and knew.
It was time.
Apollo came running in out of breath.
"It's time" he breathed out, confirming our thoughts.
"You two better have made your peace, because it's now or never" he says while we run to the fight seemingly going on outside.
Explosion after explosion made the walls of this house shake and fall apart.
Once we reached outside we saw a sight that was one for the books, each god fought against at least 2 titans. Everyone was holding their own but I knew they wouldn't last for long.

I looked around trying to find it and when I did I sprinted as fast as I could to it.

There in the middle of all the violence and chaos, stood a man who held himself like a king, but tonight he'd fall like a bitch.

"Kronos!" I yelled, getting his attention.
He turned his head to look at me and gave me a charming two faced smile.

Kronos' beauty was out of this world, one would think he was a gentleman.
He was quite the opposite, in fact he was an asshole.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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