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- mom no! - Japan yeeleed at Japan empire, she was a pasifist, she dont want to be like her mother. she wanted to have friends, and not hiding in forest.

- better listen to adlut! you gonna die wihout hiding and killing- Japan empire tails starts to glow

- NO! - japan runs from her mother changing her form to the human form and hides her nine tails

- WAIT THERE YOU BRAT!-  japan empire start to chasse her daughter, but lose her  from eyes

- rebellious kid? i know thats feeling - nazi was standing behind japan empire

- yeah, but i just courius, why you other spiecies than rest of your familly, ya know, you are werewolf, not a vampire - Japan empire asked and nazi

- i have no idea, just i was born werewolf, not vampire -Nazi responded

- i hope she dont gonna be hunted - Nazi said

- i really dont care, if she is stupid, she gonna die - japan  empire said, meantime japan was still running, she fall tired at city

- uhh, you ok? - Usa noticed Japan and gives her a hand

- ... y-yeah - Japan blushed and get up with USA help

-what you doing there, you look young- Usa said

- i r-run away f-from parents - Japan tried with all her energy hide the tails, Usa looked at japan with suspicion

- why? - USA asked

- its long story.... - japan responded

- better go with me, young kid is perfect victim for vampires, and last time vampire showed there- Usa said with care

- a-alright - Usa goes into house, and japan too

- Russia, we have guest!- Usa said looking at russia

- okkkk - Russia said drinking vodka.  japan was looking at meat, she was really hungry

- you hungry right? - Usa asked looking at japan

- mhm.... - Little kitsune said

- wait there! - Usa go into kitchen and start to making pancakes

- japan, can we talk? - russia said to japan, and drag her into batchroom

- hmm......?- japan singhed

- hide that you are kitsune, you actually live under one roof with hunter, general hunter - Russia wispered to japan and leaves the house, japan go to the kitchen

- pancakes ready! - Usa said with happies and gave pancakes to japan, her starts to eat like she never seen food. Usa looked at japan with care. (Japan in this story is 13 years old)

- t-thank you, last time when someone was that nice to me... thats when i was a little baby... - Japan said and USA got flashbacks

----flashbacks pov USA-----

-better surrender! or i gonna blow your fucking country from egistence - i yeeleed at japan empire

- NEVER! - shes screamed back. Axis countries are really annoying, i tried to be neutral, but what japan do? bombed my harbor.

some months later, i was ready to bomb japanesse empire, not normal bomb, nuclear bomb. i tried to warn her, thats that gonna kill many inconnted people, but her dont want to surrender

- lauch it. - i said wihout emotions to my soldiers, a plane drops nuclear bomb at nagasaki, then i seen that japan empire takes attack protecting child

---- end of flashback narrator pov----

Usa noticed that japan look really familliar, like this  child.

- uhhh i need to go to work - Usa said and leaves the house, in this time japan checked house, noticed diploma, best hunter in city, he was general. Japan was bit scared, he can kill her in any moment.

- better go back to mother - japan noticed wolf behind her, red fur

- NO! nazi go away! you dont know where you are! - Japan yeeleed looking at wolf eyes

- you think you can do me something? one bad move and you are dead! - Nazi laughted and then, someone shots his leg

- shit! - Nazi whinted  seeing ukraine with a gun, she goes closer points at nazi head

- ... - japan just looked, she dont know what to do Ukraine shots a sleeping medicine to nazi and took his away.

"they gonna kill him! but i cant help, or they kill me too... " japan thinked and been about to cry

-japan,u ok? - russia asked

- they took away Nazi... he was like father to me... - Japan responded

- wait till mindlight... i gonna help him... - russia said

- h-how? - Girl asked

- you probbaly didnt notice, but i am werewolf like him - russia looked at japan

-----time skip, night

russia pov----

i woke up, and runs off the window changing into wolf, i know where base is, i runs aroud streets, some people in cars look at me scared but i ignores them, i break into base and goes to secret room

- go with me, and dont talk - i open nazi cage and being about to leave

- why you helping me? - Nazi asked

- not your bussnies - i jumped out the window and nazi done same thing

- now run, idk where just run- i kicked Nazi and runs back into house  Nazi runs away somwhere


i woke up, USA Angrly watched TV

- i need to find that stupid werewolf, who always destoroy our plans- USA said, very angry, my wolf form dont have flag on me, so is hard to see that wolf was me.

- Usa, i hope you gonna caught him! - i said - you the best hunter after all! - i smiled a little, and looked at japan who cute sleeping on cought.

/////////per. poland////////////////

- russia, you are fucking idiot- i said watching tv, they can caught him, not that i care about him, but his that idiot so he can reveal other werewolfs, i turn off tv and looked at pc

"a beutiful full moon is gonna be in next month" i readed in news site

shit, full moon wolf moon, time when werewolf can control if they wolves or no, best time to hunters to hunt, I normally Hungary protecting me in this times, but he died of that's fucking vampire!

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