Chapter 1

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It all started 50 years ago when Area 51 was first built. It has been rumored that Area 51 was where aliens, UFOs, and the unknown is held. Well; all the rumors are totally wrong. Instead of aliens and there weapons, there are people with special gifts and abilities.  

See, there was a huge meteor that dropped in the middle of Nevada. The US government quickly went to the landing location. The found the meteor which was had a 100m diameter and was oozing a glowing blue substance. They quickly cleaned up all the mess and took the evidence to Area 51. When they started to study the unknown substance, they figure out that it was organic and had the ability to enhance the abilities of humans when it accidently fell unto a scientist hands.  

The scientist soon started to notice a few changes while under surveillance in Area 51. He noticed that his eyes turned a glowing blue that was similar to the mysterious ooze could read the minds of other living animals and levitate small objects with his mind. When he realized he can do things that other people can't, he started to feel like he was better than everybody else.  

The scientist started to practice his abilities. Soon he was able to read people minds if they were miles away, and levitate objects that weighed 2 tons. He waited for the right moment to attack the base use the blue ooze to create an army of super villains free.  

One night, while everyone was asleep, he started to weak havoc. Everything was floating and he was the cause of it. His plan to take control of the base and the space ooze has already begun. The scientist started to kill all the soldiers and scientist inside the base. Running out of time, the scientist decided that the best way to fight the scientist was to create supers humans of their own. They choose five of their best soldiers to be bathed in the mysterious spacer ooze and defeat the evil scientist. The last of the scientist took the 5 soldiers to the chamber where they held the blue ooze. They knew they had to hurry because they knew that the corrupted scientist could read their minds and foil there plans. While running to the chamber, they saw the evil scientist. They evil scientist read their mind and tried to kill all of the scientists and soldiers that planned to disrupt his plans. He killed all all the scientist but 1 and was unsuccessful in killing any of the soldiers. The evil scientist knew that they were headed to the chamber with blue ooze and tried to beat them there. 

The last scientist and soldiers finally made it to the chamber. The soldiers took off the equipment and entered into tube shaped holding containment devices. The containment devices changed the ooze from a liquid to a gas which speeded up the effects of the ooze. When the gas started to enter the containment devices were the soldiers where, the evil scientist arrived. The last good scientist delayed the corrupted scientist for enough time so the human enhancing process could be completed. His sacrifice was not in vein because the soldiers had enough power to defeat the evil scientist. When the containment devices opened, he super soldiers dramatically came out with their new powers 

The first soldier who came out had super strength and the ability to jump super high. The second soldier had the power to shoot fire from any part of her body. The third soldier had gained the ability to run super-fast. The fourth super hero had the power to fly, walk thru walls, turn invisible, and freeze objects to absolute zero. Finally, he fifth soldier had the power to shape shift into any living thing. 

Astonished by their power, the evil scientist knew he had to think of something and fast. He decided to fight the five as long as he can until he finds a weakness that could be used to defeat them. 

At the start of the battle, the five soldiers were brutally winning until the evil scientist saw how uncoordinated they were. He used this weakness to his advantage and almost won the battle. However, the first soldier decided to become the leader and told the others how to efficiently defeat the evil scientist and his enhanced powers. The lead soldier told the 3rd soldier to create a vortex to contain all of the scientist powers. The second soldier created a lame so bright that it blinded the evil scientist. The forth soldier froze all of the objects the evil scientist was controlling. The 5th soldier turned into an anaconda to keep the scientist still for the final blow from the 1st soldier who said our slogan 'For the people who can't help themselves.'

The 1st soldier ended the battle but only started the war. With his last ounce of power, the evil scientist flew himself away from Area 51. The five soldiers knew that one day he will come back stronger and seek revenge. They decided to rebuild Area 51 and use it to train create an army of superheroes so they keep the world safe. They knew that some of their students will one day choose the path of evil so they came up with a rule that none of the supers can leave the base until they finish their training. 

When the base was rebuilt and the recruitment process had begun, the first and 3rd soldier had a baby. The baby wasn't like the rest of the supers. It had the same powers of its mother and father but the power was multiplied tenfold. They knew that the baby was destined for greatness and decided to train him as soon as it could walk. 

The baby grew at a rapid pace duet o its mother's powers. The boy excelled in all of his training exercises and drills. He was confident that he was ready to fight the evil scientist alone so he ran away from the base never to be seen again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2014 ⏰

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