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"Why did I let you bring me here again?" I shout over the music at Teagan as she drags me through the house as we try to find our friends. "Cmon Jess lighten up a little bit" Teagan shouts back at me as we try to find our friends. I guessing Teagan finds them as she nudges my shoulder and nod in a direction. I huff as I follow Teagan as we push our way through the swarm of people.

"Hey you made it! I was starting to think Teagan didn't convince you to come!" Ashley cheers when she spots us. I roll my eyes while Teagan throws an arm over me, "Well we're here now where are the drinks?" Ashley points Teagan in the direction of the drinks and and Teagan immediately goes to grab one. "Why do I feel I was brought to babysit all of you when you get drunk?" I sigh as Anika giggles as she joins us. "Because out of all of us, your the most reliable to make sure everyone gets home in one piece" Anika slurs obviously already a few drinks in.

The party seems to drag on as I watch the others down more drinks before dispersing throughout the house. I had been dancing with Ashley and I had turned around for a second when I lost sight of her. I internally groan as I look around before giving up on the search for my teammate. I try to find anyone of my teammates but I can't find anyone through the sea of people. Accepting defeat I move to the kitchen to get myself a water knowing I need to stay sober for when it comes time to round up all the girls.

Instead of grabbing one of the bottles of water, I opt for grabbing a empty clean cup and filling it from the tap myself. I gulp it down only realising how hot it is when I down the cup. I was in the middle of refilling it again when someone speaks up behind me.

"You seem like your out of your element here"

I jump slightly causing the water slosh spilling some into the sink. I turn around to see a girl standing behind me leaning up against the wall. She had her hair down in soft waves which fell around her shoulders and a small scar running across her cheek which caught my eye. She was wearing tight skinny jeans paired with a slim fit t-shirt and leather jacket. But the one thing that caught my attention was her eyes. I had never seen anything like them. They weren't your typical eye colour. Instead they were an almost stormy grey with streaks of blue through them.

Jesus she was on the other side of the room and I could see them shine at me from when I was.

"Uh yeah. Not exactly the party type I guess" I mumble shyly feeling extremely intimidated by the girl which wasn't surprising as she was taller than me as well. She raised an eyebrow at me before taking a drink from a matching red plastic cup in her hand, "Why are you here then?" I nod at the party raging behind her, "I came here with friends but I guess I lost them". She hums as she looks me up and down and I can feel myself shrink under her gaze.

It sucks being socially awkward sometimes

"Well how about I keep you company for a bit?" She tilts her head at me and small smile tugging at her lips and I can't help but smile back, "Sounds like a plan". She smiles before she takes another drink and refilling her cup. We were the only ones in the kitchen but unlike the rest of the house, it was a lot quieter and all that could be heard is the thumping coming from the music but you would tell how loud it was seeing as you could pretty much see the walls vibrate with each beat.

"So" she starts off pulling me from my daze, "it's obvious this isn't exactly your scene so why did you come?" I look down at the cup in my hand as I start to thumb it and shrug, "Honestly because my friend wouldn't stop asking me until I said yes". She lets out a small chuckle as she nods, "God I know that feeling. You say yes just to get them off your back only for them to ditch you a few minutes after you come in the door". I lick my lips and nod, "Yeah sounds about right".

I bite my lip before speaking up, "Why are you alone? Aren't you here with someone?" She motion her hand back to the party, "I am. They're here somewhere just needed a breather from all the drunk fuckboi's who think they're god's gift to women". I involuntary let out a laugh and nod as I remember I had to pass at least 4 of them just to get to the kitchen.

I was about to speak up when a drunk frat boy who had seemed to misplace his shirt stumbled into the kitchen. He looks around the dark kitchen before his eyes land on me and grins, "What's a pretty lady like you doing in here all alone?" I try to stutter out a response who find it impossible as he walks up to me. I try to back up but I'm trapped between him and the counter behind me. "How about you and I get out of here and I can show you a good time?" He asks looking me up and down. I let out a shutter feeling uncomfortable but before I can reply I feel an arm slip around my waist, "Sorry bud but she's taken. Might want to run along now".

I look to my right to see the girl has moved from her spot on the other side of the kitchen and sidled up to my side. She leans in dangerously close as I can feel her nose brush against the skin behind my ear. "Just go with it okay?" She whispers and I shiver slightly at just how raspy her voice is and nod before leaning into her. But this doesn't seem to deter the boy as now he just licks his lips at the two of us, "Oh two for the price of one eh? Your welcome to join us if you would like?". I scrunch up my face in disgust as he takes a step closer but relax a bit when the girl gently pulls me behind her as the boy is face to face with her.

"Listen you should learn to take a hint. We're not interested. And you should leave before you really start to piss me off. Because if you haven't noticed your now in the perfect position for me to knee your balls all the way into your throat" her voice is dangerously low but it wasn't like how she spoke to me. Instead of the soft raspy voice from before it was a mix between a snarl and a growl. But it seemed to get the job done as the boy nodded his head frantically before all but running out of the kitchen completely forgetting what he came in here for.

I let out a breath as I finally relax, "Thanks for that". But she just shrugs it off, "You didn't exactly look comfortable and I know how these frat boys can be. They usually think with the wrong head half the time". Her eyes soften slightly and I had to remind myself to breath afterwards as I grip onto the counter to hold me upright, "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just thought that would be the easiest way to get him to back off". But I just shake my head as I bite my lip, "No it's fine. I was okay with it".

She smiles lightly before she checks her phone and sighs before slipping it back into her pocket, "I've been summoned. I guess I'll see you later Fleming". My face drops slightly as I was enjoying talking to her and didn't exactly want her to go, "Oh okay. See you later". I think for a second before I realise I never gave her my name.

"Wait! How did you know my name?!" I call after her but she just turns and winks at me before disappearing back into the party. I put down my cup as I try to follow her through the throng of people but I groan as I can't see her. I smooth back my hair and let out a sigh before someone throws their arm around my shoulders. I tense up but relax when I see it's just Teagan, "Dude where have you been?"

I stand up on the balls of my feet as I try to search for the girl in the crowd house, "I was in the kitchen talking to someone". Teagan's face lights up and hits my shoulder, "That's great Jess. Would I know them?" I shrug but continue to look for the girl with the stormy eyes, "I don't know". "Well what's her name?" Teagan asks. And I freeze on the spot

"I don't know".

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