Chapter One: Part Eight

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"What the hell happened?" Daisy exclaimed somehow her southern accent thickened when she was scared. The two woman::: stood amongst the mess. Some of there people dead while others missing it was a complete disaster of a situation. Emmy couldn't help but sigh when observing the boxes of things that had gathered even the baby things she'd ordered Kai to get just for Brady.

"Someone attacked..." Emmy rubbed at her forehead before releasing another sigh. Her worry was through the roof for her the lost members of her group "Kai!" she shouted once more.

"Maybe shouting wasn't the best idea" Daisy groaned nudging her head to the attention they had suddenly gathered from the stumbling dead.

"The gunfire probably didn't help much either" Emmy replied as she began to observe their surroundings. Groans and moans sounding out from the dead but she ignored their approach trying to get a good look at the buildings. "Do you see a place around that could be used for some medical supplies?"

"Why?" Daisy questioned as she held her weapon ready in case she had to fire.

"If they are wounded they would have had to patch themselves up before they could do anything" Emmy continued to eye the same town it had a few buildings but nothing too interesting.

"Scoping then?" Daisy questioned. Emmy pulled the long machete blade from her belt holding it in her secure hand.


When she first held a weapon her hand wouldn't stop shaking she could remember the exact moment like a song from a commercial that seemed to get stuck in the brain, it had ingrained itself in her mind and it was the one memory she wished she could...

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When she first held a weapon her hand wouldn't stop shaking she could remember the exact moment like a song from a commercial that seemed to get stuck in the brain, it had ingrained itself in her mind and it was the one memory she wished she could get rid of. Her small hand clutched around the handgun her father had brought for protection when all the strange things began taking place across the world. How her fingers trembled and her hand was so clammy the gun almost slipped from her clutch but what was she meant to do in that situation. The loungeroom once a homey comfortable place had turned into a nightmare before her very eyes the cat she had owned since she was six years old, the thirteen-year-old cat hadn't changed much besides the fact it was no longer a kitten the little bundle of furs grey stripes had darkened not that it's looks mattered since her name didn't match her at all but at six Emmy had always been a fan of the medical field hence the name Lizzie after Elizabeth Blackwell and she adored that cat so much that the fluffy striped cat had found it's way sleeping right beside her every single night since she was six so as she watched her mother sinking her fingers into the now gaping hole in her beloved cat's stomach, it's entrails dragged across the carpet as it twitched with barely an ounce of life as her mother proceeded to shove the bloody insides into her mouth until Emmy let out a startled gasp. The eyes once full of warmth and love now vacant like pearl white marbles had replaced them, once her mothers gaze set on Emmy a snarl released from her lips.

"Mum?" Emmy spoke her voice coming out shaky unsure of what she had just witnessed but her mother still had her glazed eyes set on Emmy as her mouth opened letting the blood and drool drip from her mouth "mummy?" she whimpered but before she knew it the heavier set woman lunged at her causing the teenager to scream "mum! No!" she screamed as she turned on her heel and ran but her mother gave chase "mum stop please" Emmy couldn't help but beg as her mother followed after her snarling and growling just desperate to take a bite from her flesh. Letting out a yelp as she felt fingers clasp onto her hair tugging Emmy backward and almost knocking her off her feet "please let go, mum please" Emmy continued to cry. The once gentle hands that used to hug her and nurture her were grasping at her skin as though trying to rip it from the bone as Emmy struggled finally after pushing her mother over getting herself released from her grasp she ran again fleeing from her mother. Fear was pumping throughout her body, fear that her own mother was going to kill her. In her parent's rooms, Emmy ran to her father's bedside table and began rifling through the drawers she heard the shuffling uneven steps behind her closing in as she desperately searched. The floorboards of the hall began to creak and the chomping of her jaw grew louder when finally her eyes came upon the handgun sitting in the bottom drawer. She clumsily looked it over as she pulled out the box of bullets as well. Her hands frantically ripping open the box before struggling to load the thing. Emmy didn't know much about weapons but was hoping she knew enough to defend herself. Her eyes shot up when she saw her mother in the doorway a snarl of her bloody lips "please... Please mummy" she sniffled as she held the gun In her shaken hands taking aim at her mother but as though the woman was a vacant shell she just edged closer taking no care of the weapon pointed at her "please, please" she cried and pleaded but to all no avail as her mother came closer finally barely a few feet away her mouth opened preparing to rip into Emmy's flesh as Emmy flinched back, her eyes closed tightly while her finger tightened on the trigger squeezing it enough for it to fire a loud bang erupting the room leaving a ringing sensation in Emmy's ears. When she finally opened her eyes her mother was still upright with a large hole in her chest, her mother wasn't dead instead she snarled once more which caused Emmy to panic and rapidly fire again four more shots hitting her shoulder, arm and the wall behind her the last finally piercing her skull causing her mother's body to drop with a thud. The gun slipped from Emmy's grip and dropping onto the floor while Emmy stared at the now lifeless body of her mother before completely breaking down in tears. That day still played in her mind no matter how much time had passed it cursed her brain with its every detail of events the day she killed her mother and her first walking dead.


"Em? Em?" Daisy's voice finally broke through pulling her from her thoughts she hadn't even noticed how her hand was shaking while holding onto the machete "are we going to scope out this place?"

"Yeah... Yeah..." Emmy gave a firm nod trying to regain her focus images still lingering in the back of her mind but she quickly shook them off "come on lets find these guys" and with that, the pair set off on their search.

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