Chapter 22 - New Life 2

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Rhodolite, Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst all sat together on the couch inside the beach house. They all leaned against each other. They were together again. Everything was over.

Bismuth was working with a large crew of Homeworld gems to repair the damage Bluebird had caused, although nothing would be the same for years. Everyone had been freed from their shards by Rhodolite through fusion and put back into their gemstones, with some exceptions.

The hard decision had been made to not free the Diamonds. Pink was their top priority. They didn't truly care about anything else. They were a danger to the world. Their shards were bubbled away to a secret location along with Bluebird.

However, there was one huge problem: Greg.

Greg didn't have a gemstone to be put back into. His body was dead and had rotted now since being put in the shard. Garnet had cried many tears after realizing what she'd done. She hadn't thought that Greg wouldn't be able to go back into his body.

There was only one solution: to bring Greg back, he would have to be a permanent fusion with a gem through his shard, although he wouldn't have control over the fusion. But it was the only way.

"I should do it," Garnet sighed. "This is my fault."

"You're already Ruby and Sapphire," Rhodolite murmured. "I need to do it. He's my dad."

"You're living your life, Rhodolite," Garnet countered. "You and Spinel need privacy."

"I'm not doin' it," Amethyst shrugged.

Suddenly, Pearl sat up with tears in her eyes. She gently picked up Greg's shard. "I want to help him," Pearl murmured quietly. "I want to do this. We both loved Pink. We both have to face the horrible person she was together. We need each other to get through this."

Rhodolite stared at her. "Pearl," Rhodolite sighed. "Are you-"

"I want to, Rhodolite," Pearl explained, slightly blushing. "For so long I've suffered knowing the things Pink has done... and trying to deny them. But after all of this... I can't any longer. Greg's not going to be able to handle the pain alone. And I'm... I've been lonely ever since Pink disappeared. We need each other."

Garnet nodded. Amethyst looked sad. Rhodolite understood. "Thank you, Pearl," Rhodolite said softly. "I love you."

"I'll still be Pearl, just like you're still Steven," Pearl explained. "Don't worry about missing me." Pearl gripped the shard in her hand and it began to glow. "Good-bye, Pink," Pearl sighed.

The two glowed brightly and began to take form. The shard sat in the new gem's naval. Finally, they formed... Gearl.

"Schtu-ball!" Gearl shouted in joy, giving Rhodolite a massive hug. "I'm back! Kind of..."

"I love you, dad," Rhodolite cried happily. Garnet and Amethyst smiled watching them. Gearl stepped back and breathed out.

"Thank you, Pearl," they murmured.


Rhodolite waved good-bye after hopping back into her car. Garnet, Gearl, and Amethyst watched tearfully as she began to drive off, back to the open road.

Things were going to be a little different now, that's for sure. Homeworld would take ages to be repaired. But as Rhodolite watched her friends fade into the distance, she knew everything was going to be fine. She ran her fingers along her gemstone and smiled.

Pink's game had ended. She had no control over anyone anymore. Spinel was free. Steven was free. And now Pearl and Greg were free. Everyone was at peace.

Rhodolite drove off into the sunset, wondering what adventures awaited her in the future.

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