Daniel's Justice

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Samantha texts her mom and dad while she's near her girlfriend Tory's side at the hospital.

The cellphone texting............

Samantha: mom please tell dad for you both to come to the hospital right away, my girlfriend Tory has been attacked and I promise I'll explain after you both get here.
Amanda: ok I'll tell your dad right away and we will be right there see you soon.
Samantha: ok mom.

The cellphone texting ended.........

Daniel and Amanda's arrival at the hospital,

"Hi we're here now so please explain" Amanda said to her daughter Samantha.

"Just look at Tory, oh my gosh shit" Samantha said as she sobs.

Amanda hugs her daughter first and then let's her daughter explain.

"It all started at school where Moon's girlfriend Elsewith told me she found Tory knocked out in the bathroom floor of the girl's locker room so I came immediately to the hospital because this Elsewith girl carried Tory to the hospital thanks to her. Tory has been attacked as she just now told me that this King Alfred attacked her in the bathroom before she got knocked out and that's all she remembered after that" Samantha explained to her mom and dad.

"Oh my gosh we are so sorry that this happened to you and we'll try to do whatever we can to get this boy from your school expelled" Amanda said to her daughter Samantha.

After Daniel heard his daughter explained about what happened, he decides to leave the hospital room.

"Daniel, where the hell are you going?" Amanda asked her husband Daniel.

"I'm going to the dojo to get this straightened out immediately because that so called King Alfred will get a piece of me" Daniel answered to his wife Amanda.

"Daniel you really shouldn't always resort to violence, that's never the answer" Amanda said to her husband Daniel.

Daniel just leaves anyways as he drove rushingly to the dojo place.

Daniel quickly parks his car, unfastens his seat belt and races inside the dojo.

"Things are never gonna end with you will it?" Daniel first asked King Alfred.

"You can't just walk in here with your shoes on, show some fucking respect for this place!" King
Alfred shouted at Daniel LaRusso.

"Respect?! You know nothing about respect when you violently lash out against a girlfriend of my daughter's, you stay the hell away from my daughter and her friends or girlfriend for that matter because I'm not the one to strike first" Daniel shouted and explained to King Alfred.

"The cobra of the father who strikes first, the love of the father isn't in him for your not good enough to strike anyways you shit faced heathen!" King Alfred shouted at Daniel.

King Alfred and Daniel get close staring into each other's eyes for a moment and then King Alfred strikes first against Daniel into a fight. Johnny Lawrence the other recruiter of Cobra Kai decides to protect Daniel as he's not winning against the sensei cobra King Alfred.

"What the fuck is that Johnny?!" King Alfred shouted as Johnny intervened in the middle of the fight.

"I want to be the bigger man and so should you!" Johnny shouted back at King Alfred.

"A bigger man, fuck yes, I'am a bigger mightier man than Daniel LaRusso!" King Alfred shouted back at Johnny.

"This is how you choose to live your life?" Johnny asked King Alfred in a confrontational manner.

"Daniel you you go now so no more harm done" Johnny said to Daniel.

"Thank you" Daniel last said to Johnny.

The next thing happens in a blink is that John Kreese fires Johnny as a recruiter for showing weakness towards Daniel LaRusso. Johnny then leaves too as he catches up to Daniel to help team up with him for justice against Cobra Kai at a judge and jury.

Meanwhile at the hospital,

Tory gets checked out of the hospital as Samantha walks her to the car to get a ride home by Amanda. Tory stays at her girlfriend Samantha's house in a spare room to recover from her scratched up cornea. The doctor said Tory's left eye will heal in a week and a half.

Way later on at the dojo............

King Alfred smells a rat because Elsewith has something to do with not leaving someone behind in the girls locker room at school.

"You mind as well to tell me the truth about who carried this shitty blonde to the hospital because you shouldn't have shown weakness, your just as bad as Johnny Lawrence for what he showed to this Daniel LaRusso, but to just leave the bitchy girl there and everything would've been fine!" King Alfred shouted at his cousin Elsewith.

"Alright fine I did and I'm sor-sor-sorry" Elsewith stutters in a scared hesitant manner to her cousin King Alfred.

"Your my cousin but in this case you left me no choice to be angry with you for doing what you just did and you will pay for it bitch!" King Alfred shouted at Elsewith.

"Oh fuck yeah bring it on pussy!" Elsewith shouted at King Alfred.

"I hate that 'p' word with a passion but I do love the other cuss words that get me so fucking angry right now towards you so bring it on bitch!" King Alfred last shouted at Elsewith.

King Alfred and Elsewith fought for their first time against each other. King Alfred dodges the pain as he comes back tougher and mightier than ever. Elsewith is pretty tough too most of the times except not this time as King Alfred finishes the fight showing his own cousin no mercy towards her. John Kreese spies on the fight with a huge grin on his face even the after part where he grinned at his lover King Alfred's no mercy finished the fight.

"It's interesting that you fought against your own cousin even" John Kreese said to his lover King Alfred while being behind him.

King Alfred turns to face his older lover John Kreese.

"There are no rules in this dojo whether if it's a cousin or a girl even as it don't matter how tough Elsewith is because I always win" King Alfred said with an arrogant grin to John Kreese.

"Let's go home and get some shut eye together babe" John Kreese said to King Alfred.

"Perhaps we shall have wine first" King Alfred said to John Kreese.

"Then we shall" John Kreese last said to King Alfred.

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