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Can't really explain.......Area 51 basically and space shit. Hey you know if I make this and this gets removed it's because I debunked what's in there. Let's go get arrested. Also I apologize I got way to much into it! It was fun!!

 Also I apologize I got way to much into it! It was fun!!

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Nana Sept

I got my cup of coffee from the cafeteria and my daily breakfast which consisted of a heated baguette and some eggs with bacon. The rest of my division sat with me as we listened to the chattering in the room.

Claire: "Are you excited?"

"For the new thing. Yes possibly then I can dissect it."

A man I fancied came up and sat with me as I blushed and pushed my hair back.

(Yeah he ain't gonna get girl this isn't your typical story)

Derek: "Hey Nana some of us heard of what's happening in your division so I was thinking why not we go get a drink at one of the bars."

"Oh that be nice."

Jill: "Uh Nana you do realize that since this is a living creature you probably won't have time to leave and if I recall your the leader of the division that's why they gave you 7."

"Oh your right."

Derek: "Oh no don't worry we can go later."

I ate my breakfast as he got up and went with his division which was 3. Division meant what area of expertise we had experience in. 1 was genetics, 2 was military, 3 was weapon and tech developmental and shared it with division 4, 5 was primarily farms and stuff, 6 was medic staff and were well based off of 4, 7 was my division which was inspection of animals and dissections.

Claire: "What do you even see in him? His division is completely weapons and everything explosive. And plus wouldn't you rather want to date a number rather than a beta?"

Lucille: "Makes the most sense. Number should be with number. Beta and number aren't heard of all and usually fall apart."

"Oh you guys don't understand."

I ate my baguette and drank my coffee.

Jill: "I dated a number it was leader of 1 the genetics division and we never connected."

Lucille: "But remember all the divisions need us."

Claire: "No crap we literally dissect dead animals that the division 2 team bring."

The Tentacle Book (⚠️ Smut ⚠️)  +18Where stories live. Discover now