God Damn Branches

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“God damn branches, who the hell do they think they are?”  The young man held a cloth up to his the wound on his arm.  “I’ve been walking for ages, where is that stupid clinic?” He pushed his way through a patch of wood, to finally see the worn out building that was Borden’s Clinic.

He walked up to the barely usable automatic door. “I need some medical assistance.” He said shuffling through.  Phoebe stood and rushed to his side. “What happened?” She asked escorting him to a nearby examination table.

“I got stabbed by some branches.” The man said sitting down onto the table. Phoebe looked at him a little confused, but let it pass. “Let me get the doctor.” She walked to the doctor’s office and knocked on the door.

“We have a man here with a stab wound.” She said. He looked up kind of surprised. “I haven’t a case that isn’t sickness in years.” He stood and grabbed his case.  “I’ve never had anyone who isn’t sick.” Phoebe commented.  He followed her to the table and looked at his wound.

“Quite a wound you have here.” The doctor commented stitching up his arm. “Oh……..yeah……God!” He said reacting to the pain. “Should I get him a pain reliever?” She asked him.

“No. No drugs.” The man said. His eyes were a strange orange color, and his hair was messy. He had a small streak of blue in it, which counter balanced its charcoal black color.

“It really would be better sir.” The doctor informed.

“I said no drugs. So just do it.”


After the doctor stitched up his arm the man stood. “Can I have your name for the file sir?” The doctor asked.   

The man slid his jacket back on.  “Gaige….Gaige Chase.” He replied with a smirk on his face. The doctor looked up. “Gaige Chase?” He said looking up in shock. Gaige Chase was a notorious name throughout the Divisions. 

Gaige had disappeared leaving nothing but a note that said ‘Gaige was here.’

Phoebe and Janice looked at the doctor. “Call the Guard.” The doctor instructed. Janice grabbed the old wired phone.

‘Gaige Chase?’ Phoebe thought. ‘Him?’


“He was hurt?” Chief Fields asked the doctor. 

“He was stabbed in his arm.” The doctor replied.

“He said he got it from branches.” Phoebe inserted over hearing their conversation.

Chief Fields scoffed. “Likely. Thank you, we are going to need you to close down while we examine this scene.” She told them calling over her men to start closing up.

“What? This is my business? What if someone needs my help?” The doctor asked angrily.

Janice and Phoebe picked up their things and started gathering a few files. “I’m sorry, but this is more important.” Fields said forcing them out. “More important?!” He asked as they shoved the three of them out.

“More important.” The doctor scoffed and turned to them. “I’m sorry girls.” He apologized and rubbed his forehead.

“I’ll see you.” Janice said going her way.

Phoebe sighed and walked back. “Gaige Chase?” She couldn’t think that that young man was a wanted criminal. She walked back to her housing. She slipped off her shoes and dropped her bag. “I’m back grandma.” Phoebe said sitting down in the lounge chair.

“Grandma?” She asked concerned.  Phoebe stood and walked into her grandmother’s room. “Grandma, are you in here?” She creaked open the door to see that her grandmother’s room was missing she could feel the breeze and see the rubble from below.

She ran out of the house and looked at the side of her housing. A whole half of it was just missing, it was torn clean off. All of her belongings and the furniture from the bedrooms that once inhabited that space were all piled up in the empty half of a lot.

Suddenly the wind started blowing and her blonde hair gently touched her face. “Grandma!” She called rummaging around the debris looking for her. A siren went off and suddenly the Guard from the North American Division came pouring out of the large aircraft they had arrived on.

A few men grabbed Phoebe by the arms and started pulling her into the plane. “Let go of me!” She yelled kicking her legs, trying to get loose of their hard grip. “My grandmother is still out there!” Phoebe watched as the plane door closed and she lost sight of what was her home.


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