In heaven ~ Tony stark

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As the pain slowly sank away and his surroundings lighted up, Tony felt at peace, knowing the world he saved would finally be free. Tiredly he could hear the words his love spoke to him, and before he closed his eyes one last time, he could swear he saw his friends pledging their respect once more. Tony could feel himself drifting away, into the light. He didn't exactly know what was going to happen now, but he knew deep down that fate would lead him to where he needed to be. He let out one last breath, letting go off the weight of the world, leaning on his shoulders. He could feel he no longer wore his iron suit, his fingers no longer touched the cold ground of the battlefield and he no longer heard the sobs of his loved ones. A warm feeling rose up in his chest. Is this what death feels like, he thought. It felt strange, yet recognizable. As if death was just an old acquaintance, saying hello once again.

Curious of what came next Tony opened his eyes. It was not until his eyes adjusted to the light, that Tony saw his surroundings. He was no longer at the battlefield, yet everything seemed so familiar. From the yellow seats to the filled mug on the table to the smell of freshly grounded coffee and freshly baked doughnuts. Memories flashed before his eyes, and slowly created the long-forgotten picture. Ironically the last time he'd been in this diner, he was dying too. But against all odds, he was given a second chance by two strangers who would later become his closest companions. Tony let out a deep breath. He could hear birds chirping and it gave him a feeling of satisfaction. Yet loneliness set in like the sun, which was slowly sinking into the horizon, left behind a warm and golden glow on the tables. The diner had not changed since his last visit, it looked peaceful, or maybe it was just his mind making up for all the terrible things it had been through. Then realisation sat in, he was dead and he would never see his family or friends again. Saddened by this thought he sighed again. Tony had never felt so lonely, but nevertheless, this was a great place to rest. As Tony drank his coffee and emptied his mug, the bell at the door rang, announcing a second guest at the diner.

Tony, who was eager to see the mysterious person, someone who would visit him after his death, moved so fast that he knocked the mug of the table. But before it could chatter on the ground, someone caught it. Soft, yet strong hands lifted the mug and offered it to him. "It took you long enough." A voice said. It was a soothing and gentle voice, like the sound of water running down a creek. Tony smiled, he no longer felt lonely, for he knew to whom the voice belonged. With a smirk on his face, he said: "Romanoff. Did you miss me?" As Tony turned around his smile widened, and a smile answered. Joy filled his heart and, with an emotion that Tony Stark would not have shown if he had still been alive, he pulled her into his arms and hugged her. She hugged him back, knowing that both of them would soon start crying. At last, he was reunited with his long lost friend. And as they walked out of the diner towards the sunset, the two heroes finally found their peace. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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