Chapter 11

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Mina's POV

I finally gave birth and it's a boy. Tzuyu and i decided to take turns to take care of him since we want to continue living with our members. At least they can also have fun with our baby boy. 

Our fans and the public knew about our child and they are very happy and supportive of us, which i'm very glad for.

We even let our fans interact with our boy during our fan-events.

"Chang-ah, look. Who are here?" I talked to my baby boy. His name means 'free' in Mandarin. Tzuyu is the one who came up with the name, hehe~ 

"Papa!" Chang exclaimed in joy, reaching his arms out for a hug and wanting to be carried by my handsome prince.

"Aigoo~ Did you miss your papa, our dear handsome boy?" Tzuyu asked with a big smile as he carried our child into his arms.

"Look here, Chang-ah! We came too!" Dahyun spoke while playing peekaboo with Chang. 

"Come in. Why are you boys still standing outside?" I said and they chuckled awkwardly as they entered the dorm.




The 3 girls shouted to their boyfriends, attacking them with a hug.

"Aw~ So sad your girlfriend is not here, Chaeng." Jeongyeon-oppa teased his younger member, who didn't seemed bothered by his words.

"It's okay. I'm going to meet her afterwards, anyway." Chaeng said, shrugging his shoulders and sitting down on the floor.

"Let's play with our Chang!" Chaeng added on, reaching his arms out towards Tzuyu since he wanted to carry our child too.

"Our Chang? I'm the father, not you." My husband said with a glare while settled himself down next to the short member.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." The shorter one said, unbothered and carried Chang but soon, he wants to come down, causing us to laugh and him to pout.

"Aigoo!" My husband shouted with a big smile when Chang fell onto his lap, gripping onto his shirt with his small hands.

I went to sit down beside Tzuyu, placing my head on his shoulder.

"Darling, are you tired?" He asked as he lets Chang walked around cutely. He already learnt how to walk. He's smart, just like me and Tzuyu.

"No, i just missed you a lot." I said with a sweet smile while we held our hands on his lap and he puts his head on top of mine.

"I miss you too, my penguin princess~" He whispered lovingly.

We watched the others played with our child and he was having so much fun with them. It makes me smiley and happy just by looking at Chang having fun with our members.

Night soon came. Since tomorrow is another day-off for all of us, the boys decided to have a sleepover at our dorm. All of the guys decided to sleep in the living room. But for Tzuyu, i told him to sleep with me and Chang and he agreed, hehe~

"Argh. Chang-ah. stop hitting papa's abs. It's hard to have great abs on papa's body, you know." Tzuyu talked to our son and i giggled softly, watching the small boy using his small hands to hit his father's toned abs.

"Baby boy, time to sleep!" I exclaimed and placed our son to his cabin. I then pecked his forehead and watched him fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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