
22 1 0

        A sigh leaves my lips in the form of a white mist that rises into the air until it dissipates as it cools because once again, the bus is late. I have been standing out in the cold for a bus that is never on time since my vehicle is in the shop. I stomp my feet to try and get a smidgen of feeling back into them as I wait for a bus that is probably not going to be here in time for school to start. Leaning back against the stop sign at the end of my road, I notice some kids are just now coming outside. It is puzzling and they seem surprised that I'm out here. Turning my head, I look down the road to see if I can spot the school bus, but it still has yet to get here. It is cold as fuck and shivering is doing nothing to warm me up. The coffee in my hands helps a tiny bit, but that's it as I continue to shiver horribly. A hand on my shoulder causes me to face an auburn haired girl who looks around my age. 

        "How long have you been out here?" she asks softly.

        She smells kind of like autumn if it had a scent, like cinnamon and apples and cider. Her scent is almost intoxicating. Her pale green eyes twinkle as if a million stars have been trapped in their depths. I am a loss for words. Her smile is bright and warm. I think I already like her. 

        "Uh, hello?" she inquires. 

        "Uh...oh hi. S-sorry. What d-d-did you say?" I reply.

        "How long have you been out here?" she repeats.

        "A-about t-twenty m-minutes," I stutter through my shivers. 

        She smiles again and she strips out of her jacket and holds it out to me. She only has on a hoodie that should be zipped up and what looks like a T-shirt underneath that. On her legs she has a pair of cargo pants that hang low on her hips that compliment a pair of Columbia boots. I take her coat after a few seconds and look at her.

        "Wh-what a-a-about y-you?" I ask.

        "Eh. I'm hot blooded," she chuckles. "Besides, you look like you could use it."

        I nod and set my coffee down, sliding into this girl's jacket. Come to find out she isn't kidding about being hot blooded. It is so warm on the inside that I snuggle down into it, almost purring in happiness.

        "Ooh, thank you," I mutter. 

        All she does is chuckle as I pick up my cup of caffeine. Taking a sip, I can feel myself getting some feeling back into my body. 

        "You sure you don't this?" I say as I look at her. 

        She seems to be fine, in fact relieved that I took her jacket from her. She nods and smiles with amusement. 

        "I'm Sven by the way," she tells me, holding out her hand. "Sven Markis"

        "Nice to meet you," I reply, shaking her hand. "I'm Brooklyn Angel." 

        "That's really pretty."


        "Uh, the bus doesn't usually come until forty after."


        I wish someone had told me about this earlier. I cross my arms in annoyance and take a sip of my hot coffee.She laughs lightly at my hopeless plight as I pout against the wooden stake of the stop sign. 

        "Damn SUV," I mutter under my breath.

        "SUV?" Sven questions.

        "Huh? Oh yeah, I drive," I say. 

        "Psh, I've license but no vehicle. I live on my own here."

        "What do you mean?"

        "My parents disowned me."



        Before she can reply, the bus pulls up to the end of the street and she just heads toward it without a backwards glance. I follow at my own pace, allowing three other people on before me. For some reason I want to get to know this girl so I hope to sit by her, but someone else already is. Svem is facing the window, completely ignoring me as I walk by. I take a seat behind her hoping I can talk to her when I hear the girl next to Sven speak.

        "Hey freak, what's up?" she sneers.

        Sven says nothing to her which obviously pisses her off. She shoves Sven against the window causing her head to hit the Plexiglas, hard. I cannot stop the soft gasp that leaves my lips but the girl doesn't hear it thankfully. Instead, she slams her fist into Sven's side making the girl groan softly. The antagonist gets out of Sven's seat and sits down with a red-head who gives her a high-five like it was some great victory to be hurting someone who is obviously really nice. I want to say something, but I am not sure how that girl would react to me associating with her so I stay quiet. I am still shivering and I can feel a tiny bit of warmth coming from the heater in Sven seat and I cannot take it anymore. I stand and quickly switch seats so I can warm up some. I hear the antagonist whispering to her friends about something and I ignore them. They aren't people I want to interact with if they treat another person like a punching bag. 

        "Excuse me?" a girl says a little too sweetly.

        I turn to see the red-head has spoken to me. 

        "What?" I ask before taking a sip of my coffee. 

        "Do you know who you're sitting with?" she inquires in disgust.

        "A person," i reply like it's obvious.

        "No you aren't. You're sitting with a freak of nature," she corrects. 

        Her friends giggle in response and my anger levels rise a fraction. Turning toward the front, I mentally roll my eyes in irritation and take another swig of nice, hot, vanilla flavoured coffee. 

        "You aren't bothered by this?" the girl who sat with Sven demands.

        "By you bugging me? Yes I am," I respond kindly.

       I hear Sven chuckle faintly but it is apparent she's in pain. She must think I'm an idiot for standing up to these girls since they must be cheerleaders. They have perfect bodies under their cold-weather outfits that is not hard to discern despite their layers. 

        "Well, you're sitting with a dyke," the red-head says. 

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