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I ran to the bathroom, holding onto the toilet as I threw up, It has been like this for the past week, I figured that it might be the change of air or the training since I'm pushing myself past my limits.

I get up, going to my closet, I picked out a pair of denim shorts and a mustard crop top, I had a day off today, I had gotten sick last night at the underground arena where I had to take down a target, but I had gotten sick in the tunnel to it, so I had to go back home.

I take the keys of my car and leave, I am going out with a friend, I call her a friend but she has yet to earn my trust, I have put up walls, I figured I trusted too easily and that's what went wrong in Korea.


I left the car, walking into the mall where we had planned to meet. I look down at my phone, seeing a message from Vernon.

Jungkook has sent men to America, keep on the low

I roll my eyes, taking my coloured contact lenses out of my bag, Vernon gave me them as a way to disguise my identity, along with a new hair colour. I place them in my eyes, walking over to the girl, smiling, greeting her, from the corner of my eye I see two men, with earbuds in their left ears, wearing glasses, trying  to blend in with the crowd.


I sent my men t America, after recovering some footage of my Y/n getting onto the America flight, I am in America too, but I have made it more obvious that my men are here, so she gets distracted by them and is concentrated on looking for them.  

"Kook, I found her apartment"

Yoongi, said beside me, I smirked, you cant hide from me baby...

"What about the mole, any leads yet?"

I ask, taking out my phone, scrolling through my emails. Yoongi hums, shaking his head as a no.

"Park outside her apartment"

I asked the driver, I made sure all cars blend in with the area she lives in but still tinting the windows.


Days have gone past and I have had my men place a camera in a car to watch her leave an return to her apartment. I have five other men who are following her around and giving me information, I'm planning to wait until I know her whole routine.


"Come on Y/n, just come with me to the doctors, I need moral support for this appointment"

Yana, a girl I work with wants me to go with her to the doctors because she doesn't want to go alone, I finally nodded my head, agreeing. She grabs my hand and takes me out of the building and to her car, driving us to the doctors. 

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