Chapter 26

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"I have your mom's dress"said Y/n
"She won't worry about it, I'll return it to her later"said Yoongi

The drive was quiet, soon they arrived home. Yoongi began taking off his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt to change in the living room as Y/n changed in the room.

"Hey Yoongi!"called Y/n

He came in the room.

"Will you unzip the back, I can't reach it"said Y/n
"Okay"said Yoongi

He did as told. He eyes slowly followed the zipper as he undid it. As he slowly unzipped it he began kissing her neck from behind.

"A-Are you done?"asked Y/n
"No"said Yoongi

He gently kissed her shoulder blades, down the middle of the spine to her tailbone as the zipper came down.

"T-Thanks"blushed Y/n

He touched her dress.

"Can I?"asked Yoongi

No response.

"If you don't want me to, do something for me to know"said Yoongi

He slowly pulled down her dress. Her bare back facing towards him with the dress at her feet.

"Your skin is so soft"said Yoongi

He slithered his hand from behind to the front of her face touching her cheeks, touching her lips with the tip of his fingers. Then his finger slid inside her mouth. He slowly moved it around, he can feel her breath getting heavier.

"Nice and soft"said Yoongi

Y/n still spoke no words due to how embarassed she was.

"You're so loud out there but here you're so quiet"said Yoongi

He removed his finger and hand.

"Turn around"said Yoongi

Y/n gradually turned around with her eyes closed faced down.

"Look up"said Yoongi

Y/n was too shy to do so and kept her head low and eyes shut. Yoongi gently lifted her head up resting his thumb on her lips.

"Open your eyes"said Yoongi

Y/n slowly opened her eyes full of nervousness.

"Come here and unbutton my shirt"said Yoongi

He pulled her closer to sit on his lap and held her by her waist. She began unbuttoning them one by one.

"Why don't you speak?"asked Yoongi
"I-I'm nervous..."mumbled Y/n

Yoongi came near her ear with his lips alnost touching it.

"Speak louder, why are you so quiet?"whispered Yoongi

He softly kissed her cheeks to her jaw.

"I-I'm nervous..."said Y/n

Yoongi had his hands caressing her waist as he kissed her neck.

"I forgot this is your first time being touched isn't it?"said Yoongi in a low voice

Y/n couldn't speak.

"Answer me"whispered Yoongi
"Y-Yes..."answered Y/n
"Good"said Yoongi

He kissed her lips deeply.

"Finish unbuttoning my shirt"said Yoongi

Speaking in between the kiss.

"Kiss me until you finished unbuttoning my shirt, do you understand?"said Yoongi

He repeated himself again.

"Do you understand?"whispered Yoongi
"I understand..."said Y/n breathlessly

She had just finished unbuttoning. Yoongi removed his shirt.

"I'm done..."said Y/n

Yoongi pushed her down on the bed.

"You do as I say, do you understand?"whispered Yoongi

She gulped as she nodded. Yoongi held both her wrists above her head.

"No sounds"said Yoongi

His hand slid down.

"shhh..."he whispered

Yoongi kissed against her lips softly as his hands moved down there.

"Hold it in"whispered Yoongi

She tried but her mouth was open due to kissing Yoongi.

" failed"He whispered

He slid off her panties. Y/n began breathing heavier and heavier.

"Don't worry"said Yoongi

He released Y/n's arms.

"Keep them up no matter what, got it?"said Yoongi
"Y-Yes..."answered Y/n

Yoongi slowly kiss down starting from her neck to her chest, his lips brushing down against her stomach to the kitty.

"Y-Yoongi"stuttered Y/n
"Shh...don't be so loud"said Yoongi quietly

First he gently kissed it. Her legs tried to close in but Yoongi kept them open with his hands rubbing her thighs.

"W-What is this.."struggled Y/n

There came his tongue.

"Y-Yoongi.."whined Y/n
"You're talking very much aren't you?"said Yoongi seductively

He stared at Y/n from below as he moved his tongue.

"H-Hm..Y-Yoongi"stuttered Y/n
"Your hands are coming down, put them back up"said Yoongi

Y/n did as told.

"Good"said Yoongi

First went one finger.

"Warm you up"said Yoongi

Then the second finger.

"I-I can't..."struggled Y/n

Her legs struggled to cave in because of Yoongi's hold.

"We must practice first"said Yoongi

He licked his fingers and slid back in.

"Keep your hands up remember"said Yoongi

Y/n softly moaned and turned her face sideways.

"That's enough"said Yoongi

He removed his hands, he saw Y/n breathing roughly.

"Why look away?"said Yoongi

Yoongi grabbed Y/n's face turning her back up as his thumb plays with her lips.

"So tired already?"said Yoongi

He slowly undid his belt and unbuttoned his pants, already so hard.

"I'm gonna slide in something bigger alright?"said Yoongi
"O-Okay.."said Y/n

He kissed her before sliding it in, he did it slowly.

"Don't be scared"whispered Yoongi

It first began slow, but became faster and faster. Yoongi can taste her voice it through every second, that satisfied him.

"Louder.."whispered Yoongi

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