WARNING: RAMBLING AHOY!! Note: This is edited (I changed seventeen-year-old to EIGHTEEN-year-old!)
Changing Direction and Why
Hi, I’m Amy E(LIZ)abeth Hart. I’m an eighteen-year-old girl that owns a car, works to pay for that car, and has sixth form on top of that (my second year, not my first). I study English Literature, Psychology and Media Studies.
Now you’re probably wondering how I fit all this in whilst being on Wattpad quite actively. Well, I’ll answer.
I have a dinky thing called a schedule. A school schedule, more precisely. It tells me when I have free period and stuff like that. I also have a common room.
And a phone.
See where all this is fitting in here? No? Oh, well, let me explain.
I have a Wattpad app that lets me comment on stories, vote and talk to people on chat. I rarely comment, talk to people on chat, and vote for stories on my phone, though. Too much hassle.
In my common room, if I’m not having a piece of toast and a drink, I’m reading Wattpad stories. On my phone. Yep, that’s lame. I know.
In my free period, if I’m not finishing up my essays, I’m reading Wattpad stories. On my phone. Yep, that’s lame. I know.
The good thing about some of my lessons and my form tutor is that... Well, they’re really lenient with us. In form we’re always on our phones and talking, unless we’re doing study skills and self-awareness or something. And in lessons we’re normally copying things off the board and talking. If we get that done we’re allowed to finish our essays for other classes in the lesson.
Then there’s our lunch break and so forth.
Sometimes I’m so busy that I have absolutely no time to go on Wattpad. Meaning: Homework has piled up; I have to read ten chapters of David Copperfield by Tuesday, and I have to prepare my Psych notes for the lesson work I’m doing with my group.
And now I’m writing a story.
Know what that means?
I’m changing. direction.
I’m really going to push myself. I did my AS levels (four courses) last year and now I’m doing my A2 levels (three!)
Now you’re probably wondering: Why the fuck are you telling me all of this? How does this have anything to do with Wattpad?
Well, I’ll answer you, you swear-ers.
I’m changing direeeecccttiooooonnnn.
Meaning: My writing style, my outlook on life, my belief system, my interests on society. And I don’t know why I’m doing this, but I just WANT TO.
Know what that means?
New story, new comments, new votes for new stories; new me. New Amy!
I’m no longer doing little romcoms with cute boys and pretty girls that don’t actually think they’re pretty; because, frankly, I’m just fed up with them. I see them dotted around Wattpad, in book shops—everywhere!
And I want to do something original.
I’m writing a new story. And, no, I’m not giving up on my old one. Calm your asses. I’m just... not making it as long as it was originally supposed to be. I’m getting rid of unnecessary plot details that don’t need to be there – it’s just dragging the story out! City of the Big Apples was SUPPOSED to be at least sixty chapters long. Now I’m doing forty. But they’ll be well-written ones.
How are they well-written?
I have worked my ass off trying to figure out comma placing (bloody hell), making dialogue realistic and not boring, writing for meaning, writing rightly.
Meaning: Who is your character and what will she/he act like? You have to know your character before you can stick some words in their mouths, for Pete’s sake!
I’m all too tired of abused broken girls that are “shy” and “scared of the world” when they’re bad-mouthing people and slagging them off in their minds! I just want them girls to be banished as NO ONE can write them right. They make them too shy, too scared, too... Weird. What teenage girl calls their Mum “Mother” nowadays? Hm?
I’m rambling now, so I must stop.
Here’s a mini-excerpt from my new story – Wonderance
“Don’t let a speck of dirt on a clean sheet of paper ruin your opinion on society,” Will whispered from behind me.
“I can’t help it,” I whispered back. “I’ve yet to meet a genuinely nice rich person.”
“And I’ve yet to find a non-stereotypical London townie. I guess we’ve both been disappointed.”
Going to reveal the synopsis now:
Rowan Hoosier has a mission: write something, and write something good. With all the great novels littered around her room, she can’t help but feel inspired. So when she gets a letter of request from Vakerville Boarding School, one of the best schools in the country, she decides it’s finally time to make something of herself.
Join Rowan as she gets sucked into the dark waters of boarding school—a boarding of which she cannot escape.
That’s not a set synopsis, mind you. I might change or tweak it.
Mini Stories and One Shots
Short Story“I think all writing is a disease. You can’t stop it.”—William Carlos Williams. So I write things sometimes; have a guess where they go.