Chapter 1: The Beginning

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A/N : Ok so Only His has made some amazing progress. Due to this progress, I have FINALLY updated. I'm sorry if its a little crappy but I hope you guys still enjoy it. Feel free to comment your feedback. Please vote, the more votes , the more publicity the book gets.


I remember how my life started crashing down all in one day. It started when I decided to visit my boyfriend at his job. He was a physics teacher at Glenndale High School . I had been walking down the hallway , which at the time seemed eerily quiet. I walked up to the door, but paused when I heard loud moans. I assumed it was some of his students having a little fun and was going to walk away but something in my gut told me to investigate.

I opened the door to find a tall man with light brown hair with his back turned to me. " Brian ?" I asked , hoping my eyes were deceiving me. The man turned around. There stood my boyfriend , having sex on his desk with one of his students . I shook my head, telling myself I was seeing things. I'll spare you the depressing details of how I ran out of the place crying my eyes out. I can't really say I'm surprised, he had always seemed like the sleazy cheating type. I was probably much better off without him. I wiped my tears away and ran outside.  I hailed a taxi hoping to get far away from this place.

Subconsciously, I asked the driver to take me  to my favorite little cafe. I opened the door and smiled at the chiming bell. " Crap " I heard a masculine voice say . I looked up and found myself gazing upon a gorgeous looking sex god .

" Oh, I'm so sorry " I mumbled .

He smiled down at me. "It's quite alright, just a little water."

I smiled at his politeness "No , I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"Why don't you let me buy you a drink, and we'll forget all about this, " he said, smirking at her.

I nodded and walked inside the cafe. We settled down into a small booth in the back corner of the cafe. The handsome guy went to go order our drinks and I looked at my watch, checking to see how many hours I had before worked started. The guy came back with two caramel frappuccinos.

"I didn't know what to get you, so I got my favourite drink." I smiled to myself. Little did he know that it was also my regular drink.

"I'm Derek, by the way."

"Brooklyn," I responded.

"So, if I may ask, why was a beautiful girl like you crying?" he asked, seeming to genuinely care.

I blushed profusely. "Well, I wanted to surprise my boyfriend, but I found him having sex with one of his wonderful teenage students".

He frowned. "I'm sorry, I know exactly how that feels." I smiled sadly.

2 hours and 5 fraps later, we were still talking. We had so much in common, but at the same time, we couldn't be any more different.
"I had a nice time," I said.

"Me too, and I'd love to do it again sometime," he replied.

I smiled. "Uh yeah, here's my number." I handed him a napkin with number on it . I glanced down at my watch again, and the number 5:13 flashed. "Oh shit, I'm gonna be late," I muttered to myself.

" I could give you a ride if you'd like," he said looking sympathetic.

I contemplated for a couple of seconds. I really had nothing to lose, except maybe my job. Derek and I walked out of the cafe and into the parking lot. I heard the beep of his car and looked around for it. Everybody knows that you  can tell what a guy is like by his car, and I was totally judging him. My eyes turned to a 2015 Mercedes Benz. I opened my jaw, what did this guy for a living ?

He chuckled at my reaction. I slowly walked up to the car, afraid that if I touched it, it would break. The ride to my job was silent, and only the sounds of us breathing were heard. I ended up being fifteen minutes late, but it wasn't pointing fingers at anyone.

"You're late, and the boss is in one of his moods," my best friend Janine said. I started to open my mouth but she cut me off.
"Don't tell me, just go," she said frantically. I put on my apron and started waiting tables. Tonight was the usual crowd, business owners and other types of rich people. There were two types of people that ate here; the nice ones, who gave generous tips and the snobs who always kept pestering.

After awhile people started to trickle out. I was exhausted after my shift. I started packing up when my boss called me.

"Brooklyn, my office, now!" I dropped my bags and entered his dull and poorly lit office nervously.

"You were late again," he stated smirking at me.

"I know sir, but I lost track of the time-"

" I don't care, you're fired." The words echoed through my ears.  "Get out."

I slowly walked out. I saw my former co- workers looking at me sympathetically. I ran to Janine. Her shoulders became my tissue while she rubbed my back.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mess up your shirt," I said when i stopped crying my eyes out. Janine was not only my best friend, but a maternal figure to my brothers and I.
"Call me me when you get home," she said, rubbing my back. I nodded before saying goodbye to a couple other people.

In all honesty, I wasn't going miss that job. The only problem was that I was now unemployed. I hailed a taxi and went home. I pondered what I was going to do. Sooner or later I was going to have to downsize and get a new job.
"Ugh," I sighed to myself.

The rest of the night went by pretty quickly. I figured Janine was busy, and that I would call her tomorrow. I jumped into my bed and closed my eyes. In my mind, I replayed today's events. My boyfriend cheated on me, I met a very handsome stranger, and got fired all in a matter of 6 hours. God must be on his period with all of these damn mood swings.

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