Casually Binding A Hero Part 1

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After a while, they smell a faint flowery scent. XuanNan shouted: "The enemy is releasing poison, quickly hold your breath, smell the antidote." But after a while, he felt strange, he was clear-headed and refreshed, it seems the flowery scent did not carry any poison.

The person said: "7th sister, is that you? There some strange person in 5th brother's house, he claims his An Lushan." A female voice said: "Only big brother has yet to arrive. 2nd brother, 3rd brother, 4th brother, 6th brother, 8th brother, let us reveal ourselves!"

When she finish, there was a bright light outside the door, a strange ball of light shone on 5 men and 1 woman. A black beard old man among them said: "5th brother, quickly come out." His right hand held onto a square wooden board. The female is a pretty middle-age married woman. For the other 4 men, 2 of them are dressed as scholars, 1 of them seems to be a carpenter, hand holding onto an axe and carrying a long saw on his back. The other man is green-faced and long-toothed, red hair and green beard, his appearance extremely scary, he look like a monster, his wearing a bright shining brocade robe.

Deng BaiChuan fix his concentration, he saw the person oil painted his face, it was not his original appearance, he dress himself like an opera actor, thus the one acting as Tang Emperor and Plum Consort is obviously this person, Deng BaiChuan said loudly: "May i request the honorable names of ladies and gentlemen? I am Deng BaiChuan from Gusu Murong family."

The other party did not have the chance to reply as a black figure rush out from the main hall, his blade shining, he chop 7 times towards the opera actor, it was Feng BoE. The opera actor was caught off guard, he hide to the east and dodge to the west, he was in an awkward situation. The opera actor started singing: "My strength plucked up the hills, my might shadowed the world; But the times were against me, and Dapple (name of warhorse) runs no more; when Dapple runs no more, what then can ......" but Feng BoE attack was too quick and he could not finish the 3rd sentence.

The black bearded guy cursed: "Hey you are too unreasonable, rushing out and hacking and chopping randomly, eat my [Big Iron Net]" the wooden board in his hands flashed and he whack straight towards the top of Feng BoE's head.

Feng BoE felt some misgivings: "I have fought over hundreds of major and minor battle, but i have never seen such square wood board being used as a weapon." He raise his broadsword and chop towards the board. There was a ringing sound, the broadsword hit the edge of the board, but the board was motionlessly, although the board may seem like it's made of wood but its actually made of steel, the exterior of the board is painted to make it resemble wood. Feng BoE promptly withdraw his broadsword, unexpectedly when he contract his arm the broadsword could not be withdrawn, it was stuck firmly on the steel board. Feng BoE was shock, he channeled his internal energy and exerted his force, only now did the broadsword separate from the steel board, he shouted: "What an abnormal object! Is this steel board made of lodestone?"

That person smiled and said: "Not really, not really! This is my working tool."Feng BoE shot another glance at it, he saw many horizontal and vertical lines on the board, it's a Go (Chess) board, he said: "What a weird object, come i will fight with you!" he swing his broadsword like the wind, attacking faster and faster, but he dare not let the broadsword touch the magnetic chess board.

The opera actor regain his breath and sing again: "When Dapple runs no more, what then can i do? Ah, Yu, my Yu, what will your fate be?" suddenly he imitated the voice of a female, he said in a gentle coy voice: "Worry not my Lord, although today's battle is unsuccessful, lowly concubine will follow you and fight our way out of this encirclement."

Bao BuTong said: "Shameless King of Chu and Consort Yu, quickly commit suicide, i am Han Xin." He jump and extended his palm, trying to grab the shoulder of the opera actor. The opera actor avoided it and sing: "A great wind came fourth, the clouds rose on high. Where will i find.....AiYa, my Gaozu of Han killed your Han Xin." His left hand went to his waist and took out a soft whip and he lash it out towards Bao BuTong.

XuanNan saw both sides are acting like children, but their martial arts are solid, only that they don't know each other, his eyebrows narrowed slightly and said: "Everyone please temporarily stay your hands, let us clarify the matter first."

But asking Feng BoE to stay his hands and stop fighting is almost impossible, when he contracted the frost poison, his physical strength and stamina was not the same as before, in addition the frost poison can flare up anytime, it's extremely dangerous, his broadsword flash about as if it was shredding the wind, he wanted to achieve victory quickly.

As the four of them engaged in fierce battle, someone came out of the main hall, there was a clashing sound as two Buddhist monk's knife collided, an awe-inspiring entrance, it was XuanTong. He shouted: "You bunch of wicked thieves, using poison and harming people, old monk will break his taboo and kill you all!" he was tormented by the frost poison for many days, he could not vent his frustration, thus he did not bother to clarify and attack the two scholars with his twin-knife. One scholar dodge and avoided, the other scholar took out a judge-pen weapon from his bosom, he executed his skills and start fighting with XuanTong.

The other scholar shakes his head from side to side and said: "This is so strange! Why is this monk so hot tempered, i wonder where he comes from?" he extended his hands into his bosom and felt around, he said: "Yi, where did it go?" he touch his left and right pockets, shake his sleeves, and pat his chest, he can't find it anywhere.

Xu Zhu was sympathetic, he ask: "Benefactor, what are you looking for?" the scholar said: "This big monk's martial arts is extremely high, my brother is not his match, i want to find my weapon and join the fight, Yi, strange, strange! Where did my weapon go?" he knock his forehead and pondered deeply. Xu Zhu cannot help but laugh, he thought: "Coming out for a fight but forgetting where you put your weapon, this is interesting." He ask again: "Benefactor, what kind of weapon you use?"

The scholar said: "Diplomacy is better than violence, my number one weapon is a book." Xu Zhu said: "What kind of book? Martial arts manual?" the scholar said: "No, no. It's the Analects of Confucius, i want to use the words of sage to reform my opponent." Bao BuTong interrupted: "You are a scholar, you can't even memorize the Analects of Confucius, what's the point of studying?" The scholar said: "Elder brother, you only know part of the information. The 'Analects of Confucius', 'Mencius', 'Spring and Autumn Annals', 'Book of Songs', i know all of them by heart. But a Buddhist monk only study Buddhist scriptures, they might not know about Confucius literature, i can recite it out by heart but if he has no knowledge about it, won't it be useless? Thus, i must show him the original text as evidence, then he can't deny it or try to dispute it, only then will it be useful. There is a common saying, 'Use book as evidence'." As he said this, he kept on searching and patting around his body.

Bao BuTong shouted: "Little master, quickly attack him!" Xu Zhu said: "I will wait for Benefactor to find his weapon, after that we can fight." The scholar said: "The Song and Chu fought at a deep river, the Chu people has yet to cross the river, their formation not ready, its a good opportunity to attack, but Duke Xiang of Song said: It's not the way of nobleman to take advantage of the plight of others. Little master, your heart is benevolent, the same as Duke Xiang."

The carpenter saw XuanTong's twin-knife flying and twisting around, his moves are extremely quick and powerful, the two scholars will be in danger if the fight drags on further, he raised his axe and wanted to assist them in battle. GongYe Gan wave his palm and strike towards him. GongYe Gan's appearance is refine and cultured, but his palm strength is vigorous and forceful, his nicknamed 'Jiangnan Number Two', last time he competed wine drinking and match palm with Xiao Feng, although he lost, Xiao Feng had deep respect for him, it can be seen that his internal energy is extraordinary, the carpenter slanted his body to avoid the palm and hack his axe horizontally.

The scholar still could not find his 'Analects of Confucius', he saw his companion judge-pen movement is really messy, it really isn't a match against XuanTong's twin-knife, he said to XuanTong: "Hey, big monk. Confucius says: [The superior man does not, even for the space of a single meal, act contrary to virtue. In moments of haste, he cleaves to it. In seasons of danger, he cleaves to it.] Confucius says: [To subdue one's self and return to propriety, is perfect virtue. If a man can for one day subdue himself and return to propriety, all under heaven will ascribe perfect virtue to him.] Confucius also says: [Look not at what is contrary to propriety; listen not to what is contrary to propriety; speak not what is contrary to propriety; make no movement which is contrary to propriety.] You wave your twin-knife randomly, you are ruthless and only thinks about killing people, you did not show self-restraint, this is contrary to propriety."

Xu Zhu whispered to Shaolin monk HuiFang: "Martial uncle, is this person pretending to be dumb?" HuiFang shook his head and said: "I don't know. Our master instructed us to be careful when going out of Shaolin Temple, martial artists are cunning and sly, they can come up all sorts of funny ideas and traps."

The bookworm said to XuanTong again: "Big monk, Confucius says: [Men of principle are sure to be bold, but those who are bold may not always be men of principle.] You are brave and bold, but you might not be benevolent, you cannot be considered to be a true gentleman. Confucius says: [What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others] If other people want to kill you, you will naturally be unwillingly to die, since you are unwillingly to die, how can you kill other people?"

XuanTong engage this bookworm and both of them jump about, he wave his twin-knife to attack, the bookworm follow XuanTong and suddenly move east and west, sometimes left and right, his always within 3 foot of XuanTong, constantly advising and persuading, it can be seen that his martial art is not weak. XuanTong was secretly vigilant: "This rascal is spouting nonsense, obviously his trying to distract me and divert my concentration, once he find a gap in my moves, he will definitely exploit it and attack. This person's martial art is above the scholar with the judge-pen, i definitely have to guard against him." Thus, he spent 60% of his concentration to guard against the bookworm and spent 40% to focus on attacking the scholar with the judge-pen. The situation of the scholar with the judge-pen improved considerably.

DEMI GODS AND SEMI DEVILS BOOK 3 OF 5 (Breaching The Formation) by Jin YongWhere stories live. Discover now