Chapter Four: Bookworms

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Chapter 4: Bookworms

Yoona's POV

Whenever school starts again I always get this mixed feeling of anticipation and dread. On one hand school really does suck but on the other hand I do want to see my friends again. This time around though, I won't get to see my friends because I'm starting highschool in a new place.

Most of my friends are going to this normal, public high school in Seoul, but me, that's another story.

Because my family couldn't afford the public high school I have to go to this other lousy school. It's some sort of prep school, even though it's not expensive. It requires you to wear a dumb uniform and shiny, black shoes.

I didn't like it the first time I set my eyes on it, and somehow I know I'll always hate it.

My parents seemed pretty relaxed about me starting out in a new school. I don't think they really cared about how I felt, they had other things to worry about.

The school wasn't very far from my house so I walked there. It was fairly warm for September and the blue uniform I wore was tight-fitting and hot. By the time I arrived at school I had already worked up a sweat.

Great, I looked gross and I was in a bad mood. What else could go wrong?

When I entered the building I noticed firsthand that everyone seemed like they hated each other. The boys and girls were separated on either sides of the hallway and people were huddled together in small groups, whispering to each other.

It was odd, but I'd seen weirder things in my life. I went to my locker and managed to open it on the first try. I was used to lockers and it was just a matter of luck whether you get it open on the first try or not.

I noticed I had arrived at school early and I had a good 10 minutes until advisory started.

I thought about maybe going around and trying to introduce myself but that seemed idiotic since the atmosphere in the hallways was suffocating.

Should I explore? Alone? It's not as if I didn't know my way around this place. Besides it was a small school and I'd been on a tour before.

The only place I remembered from that tour was the gigantic library that took up 3 classrooms. The classrooms were all really small in this school. Probably because of the library.

I was about to go off to find the place of books when I heard a lot of excited murmuring and girlish squeals. I turned around to see what all the fuss was about and I noticed a group of five boys enter the building.

By the looks of it they were all tall except one guy. They wore the same school uniforms but somehow they made them look 1000000000000 times better. They all wore smiles and smug expressions on their faces. One of them, the short one even winked at a girl. She fainted, I groaned.

Guess I know who the popular kids are.

One of the boys looked kind of familiar from afar but I couldn't really make out his features because of all the students crowding around him.

A girl screamed the words: I love you Seongjun!

Good grief. These guys can't be that amazing.

Suddenly, the bell rang signaling the start of advisory.

Wait, had it been 10 minutes? Had I really been staring at these boys for 10 minutes?

I didn't even get to visit the library. Oh well, maybe I could check it out after school. I quickly made my way to my homeroom. My teacher's name was Professor Goo. I thought she seemed nice when I first met her on my tour.

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