Chapter 1-New Begininning

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I looked at my twin sister, Kacey and smiled. We were packing to move from Monroe, Ohio to California. We were moving in with our best friend and Momager, Chelsea. We were finally moving away from home. It's sad, we're going to miss our parents but we need to do this. 

We were putting the last boxes in the U-Haul we were driving, all the way there. It's a 34 hour drive but we booked 2 hotels to stay at on the way. One is in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and the other one is in Tucson, Arizona. The one part that I'm not excited for is the long drive. It was around 10 PM when we finally finished and we decided to call it quits because we had to get up super early tomorrow. We're leaving around 8 but still have to wake up at 6:30 AM. 

It didn't take long to fall asleep considering how tired we all were. We didn't bring bed frames of anything because we were just going to buy stuff like that there but Chels already has a lot of really important stuff. I never went to college so I never moved without taking everything before and it felt weird. 

I was exhausted the next morning but I knew I couldn't sleep in because we had a long ass drive ahead of us. We said goodbye to our family and were on our way. Me and Kace are very similar, we like the same music and everything but when it comes to athletics, that's where I shine. I love flips, scootering, and almost every sport you can think of, especially spikeball. Kacey on the other hand likes modeling (IK she isn't a model but she could be!) All the guys my brother lives with are people that I know and met more times then I can remember. I love them all so much and I'm glad that moving closer will give me more time with them. I smiled at the thought that I wasn't going to be alone when I moved.

We've only been driving for like 4 hours and we still had another 8 and a half hours. I groaned loudly and Kacey laughed. "I'M BORED!" I yelled.

"You get to drive in 3 hours calm down." As she was laughing at me. I laughed with her and looked out the window for I don't even know how long. I talked to Kacey for the next hour or so until it was my turn to drive. We parked and went into the Walmart in St. Louis, Missouri. We just wanted snacks but we ended up looking around for awhile. I got some m&m's and beef jerky and Kacey got peanuts. (IDK what she likes haha, sorry). We also went to the bathroom and got some food at the McDonald's. It's around 3 PM by the time we got out. We also got some other stuff but they aren't really necessary to say, so...

We got back in the car this time I'm driving for the next 6 hours or so until we get to the hotel. Kacey was paying a game on her phone and I had my phone connected to the aux cord.

"Hey Siri, Play Hey, Soul Sister by Train." Kacey looked at me and smiled. We both started screaming the lyrics. When the song was over we started laughing and I put on some more nostalgic songs.

We finally got to our hotel and it was like 9 PM. We were exhausted but also starving so we just ordered room service. I changed into my pajamas after we ordered then Kacey went while I waited for the food. We only had to wait for like 15 minutes until the food came and then we finished eating. We called Drew telling him where we are and then went to bed.

We meant to wake up early but we woke up at 9 AM. We had a 14 and a half drive today so even longer then yesterday but the excitement grows by the second. Kacey's driving first and as soon as we were about to leave the room, her clumsy ass tripped. We were trying not to laugh to loud because it's still early but we failed miserably. We ran to the elevator and ran to the truck. 

We've been driving for around 9 hours at this point and I've been driving for the past 2.  We stopped a few times and right now we're going to stop for dinner and we'll probably get to the hotel at like 11 PM which sucks ass. We just ate at Olive Garden which was amazing as usual. After that, we were back on the road for another 4 hours. 

*10:30 PM 

We finally got the hotel and ate some of my big ass bag of beef jerky and then got ready for bed. I had a shower because I didn't get one last night, Kacey did and she takes FOREVER.

Laying in a bed felt so good. I texted Drew and said we just got to the hotel in Tucson, Arizona. 

It's around midnight maybe a little earlier now and I can't sleep even though I was exhausted so I went to go sit on the balcony. It was so hot in Arizona and I couldn't take it. It's so dark out but it's still like 30 degrees (Celsius) I didn't want to wake Kacey up so I grabbed my phone and went down to the lobby. It was quiet and peaceful down here. There was only one person at the front desk and she looked exhausted. I felt kind of bad for her so I went and got her a coffee. They have a little station in the main room to make free coffee. I brought it over to her. 

"Here, you look tired." She looked up at me and smiled widely. 

"Thank you so much." She said. "I'm Rydel."


"Nice, you seem like a really nice person, we should talk sometime."

We ended up talking for about 20 minutes when I heard the doors slide open. I looked behind me and my mouth I dropped open.

A group of people walked through the door and as soon as I saw them. I ran to them. The one person in the front was my brother. Drew Dirksen. 

I ran up and jumped into him.

"Hey Aud." He smiled. I haven't seen him in like 2 months.

After like 15 seconds of hugging him I started talking to everyone and a lot of them hugged me. Turns out they all came because 2 of them would drive the U-Haul and give both me and Kacey a break from driving. Turns out Rydel doesn't actually work here and she's Capron's girlfriend, now I know why she looked so familiar. I can't believe I didn't realize, probably that I never actually met her in real life, just over FaceTime. I'm also exhausted. I walked up to her and laughed. 

"We should go wake up Kace." I said. We made a plan that they would all quietly go into the room and I'd wake Kacey up. We have to be quiet though since it is the middle of the night, I looked at Drew, "Is this why you couldn't call?" He nodded with a cheeky smile. I shook my head and smiled as we went to our room. They'll all be staying in 3 of the rooms down the hall. Not everyone's here, but a lot of people are, Drew, Billy, Capron, Corey, Rydel, Charlie, Chels, Nick,  almost everyone just walked in! I'm going to be basically the Funk Bro's new assisitant but also a friend if that makes sense. In this story, I'm sorry, Hannah does not exist. Sorry to all Hannah fans. I love her but I didn't know what to do with her in this story.

I unlocked the door and quietly went in with everyone following me. I turned on the small desk  light and walked over to Kacey's side of the bed. 

"Kace! Kace, wake up!" I whispered. She groaned and weakly sat up. "What time is it, what do you want." I moved out of the way so she could see everyone. She smiled and went over to Drew. "You asshole!!" She hugged everyone and they all went to their own rooms.

"Did you know they were coming?" She asked once they all left. 

I shook my head and told her everything that happened. We both laughed quietly and both eventually fell asleep.

We woke up to loud banging on the door. I opened it to find Drew and Billy there with a goofy smile. 

"COME ON!" Billy groaned, "You're so lazy!" 

"It's only 9..." Kacey groaned and lightly hit him.

"We'll be out in 5, go away." I said and shut the door in their faces. I heard a deep sigh and Billy say "UGH, girls take forever" I chuckled a little and got ready to leave. I walked to Drew's room and he was still doing his hair. "DREW I swear to God, you tell me to hurry up and you're still doing your goddamned hair."

He laughed and stuck his tongue out at me. I woke everyone else up and we started the drive. 

Me and Kacey got in Lydia with Capron and Rydel. Lydia is Capron's Tesla model X that has Rydel's face all over it. Me and Kacey broke down laughing seeing the car. It was perfect. It was that moment I knew that these people would become the family I'd do anything for no matter what.


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