Chapter Seven

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Night had no meaning in the small cell, but I knew hours had passed because I grew more tired with each passing breath. Afraid to fall asleep, I forced myself to pace the floor, walking only a few steps before having to turn around and start over. It had been hours since Sebastian had left and I had had no other visitors nor any sign of my captors. At first, I had been happy to be left alone but now I would have almost welcomed Sebastian's company again. Maybe if I had another chance to talk to him, I could convince him to at least talk to Picard and Worf, even if he wouldn't listen to me.

As much as I wanted to stay awake, I found it impossible to keep my eyes open. I had not slept well the night before out of anxiety for today, which now seemed quite warranted. Now I wished I had asked Crusher for something to help me sleep better, because I could feel the lost hours creeping in on me. I couldn't afford to sleep now. Whatever my captors had in store for me next, I wanted to be conscious for it. To keep myself occupied, I tried to remove the metal bracelet that still circled my wrist, even though I had known from the first that it was impossible. Eventually, though, I could not fight my heavy eyelids any more. I curled up into a ball on the bed and drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

The clink of metal made me jerk out of my slumber. As I swung my legs over the side of the low bed in a drowsy panic, I saw a dark figure standing in the doorway, its features obscured by the sleep in my eyes and the bright lights out in the hallway. As soon as I had stood and taken a step forward, the figure retreated and the door had closed again. After rubbing my eyes and shaking the tiredness from my head, I took the few steps necessary to the door and picked up the small tray that had been left for me. It was a bowl and glass of a clear liquid, probably water. Apparently, Sebastian did not plan on letting me starve, even if my meal did consist of a bowl of whitish, thin soup. I returned the food to the floor and sat back down on the bed. I didn't plan of eating any food they gave, especially if they planned on leaving it on the floor like I was some kind of caged animal. I seriously doubted they planned on poisoning me but I still had my pride. Maybe the time had been when I would have been willing to accept their prison food, but not anymore. I didn't care how hungry I got; I wouldn't give them the pleasure of seeing me eat their food.

The arrival of the food had woken me up, though, and I didn't try to fall back to sleep. I sat in the armchair, expecting something to happen, either for Sebastian to come back or someone else like Dominic or even for Will to appear, because I knew he had to be working to find me. Nothing happened. The chair was comfortable but it eventually made my butt and legs numb from sitting. When it did, I stood and paced the room once more until that became old. Finally, I just curled up in the bed with my head beneath the blanket and tried to block out the deafening silence.

What seemed like hours later, a guard returned to collect the still full bowl and glass. I was sitting on the edge of the bed before I realized that the guard did not plan on speaking and was already leaving, his echoing footsteps the only evidence that he had come at all. As I stretched my legs, I began to regret not at least drinking the water. My throat was dry and mouth sticky. I did not think I could handle many more hours without something to drink, even if it was served on the floor. My stomach had gone past knotting, as well, the pangs of hunger having faded into a hollow ache.

I was pretty sure I was sitting somewhere on Risa when more footsteps pulled me out of my half-sleep. Sitting up against the wall, I saw two figures enter the room. I barely had time to blink the sleep out of my eyes before they were standing directly before me. The first I recognized as Dominic. Behind him wore another man wearing what I could only assume was the uniform of a guard.

"Come with me," Dominic said.

I remained seated, looking up at Dominic across the few feet that separated us. "Where am I going?" My voice sounded strange and my tongue felt thick as I spoke, making me wonder how long I had really been in here.

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