Squeaky Squeaking Squeakerson

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        The only sounds that escaped through the bathroom door were Mashell's laughter, water being pushed around, and Mikey telling Mashell to take a chill pill. Raphael, Leonardo, and Donnatello crowded at the entrance to watch Mikey fail at giving Mashell a bath. Their T-Phones flashed as they held in their laughs. Mikey ignored his vexatious brothers and scrubbed Mashell's head with a sponge."We gotta get this grease off," he said flintly.

        He accidentaly got soap and in Mashell's eyes and she nearly screamed. Quickly, Mikey wiped her eyes and handed her his secret ducky bath toy. She sniffled and grabbed it slowly. Mikey smiled and scrubbed her shell while she gazed at the toy wonderingly.

        "Finally," Mikey sighed while he dried Mashell with a towel. She snatched the towel from his hands and covered her face with it."Brh brh beh," she muttered,"fwuffy." Mikey laughed. He shifted the towel to where he could see her jolly eyes that sparkled."Let's go play videogames!"

         He threw her over his shoulder-much to her dismay-and skipped to the tv. He turned on the Nintendo 64 and gripped the controller in his hands."I wanna pway," Mashell interuppted right when Mikey was about to beat his highscore."So much for my new highscore," he muttered.

        Mashell crawled onto his lap and Mikey handed her his controller. Mikey placed his fingers on the buttons then Mashell put her fingers on his. Their fingers moved in sync the way they were supposed to in order to win the game. It was all entertaining until their brothers walked in.

        Leo tossed Mikey the rubber duck and chuckled."Look what I found. Is this your toy?"

        "No!" Mikey blushed,"and leave Squeaker Squeaking Squeakerson alone!" He hugged the bath toy close and glared at his bros, wondering if he was more mature than them sometimes. "You named your toy?" Raph asked in awe. They toppled over and laughed their tails off. Mikey's face was a tomato by then, and he stompped off somewhere.

        Leo faked wiping a tear from his eye and soothed his laughing. Donnie stood at his full height and cleared his throat. "Turtles, I present to you, the best invention of all time. It's green, it makes noises, it-"

        "Get on with it," Raph interuppted.

        Donnie grunted and pulled out a child safe toy from behind his back. It wasn't the best like a trip to Disney Land, but it wasn't the worst like a piece of wood. They toy was the Shellraiser. It had the perfect details of the grafiti and the inside of it. Donnie demonstarted how to use it by pressing a glowing red button on the front. They toy shifted  into the TurtleMec with a WHIZ. Mashell clapped happily and started to play with her new toy.

        "Now listen," Donnie stated,"there is a button on the inside that you can click when you're in trouble. Got it?"

        "Yes Donnwie," she smiled and clicked the button. Their T-Phones let out a screaching noise that filled the lair. Every turtle jumped from the sudden noise in suprise. Donnie sweat dropped and turned it off."Only for emergancies," he stated.

        "Squeaky Squeaking Squeakerson!" Mashell shouted as she held up the toy.

        "Oh great,'' Raph face-palmed,"she's already taking after Mikey!"

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