Creature Idea

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A/N (Art by me) This one is kinda weird but I like it...

Girls family takes care of magical creatures

She gets to ride a majestic water creature

The creature can speak to her

She names the creature (insert name)

Creature takes her to it's mother
Mother is HUGE

Mother picks both of them up

Mother gives girl magic (both defensive and offensive magic + the ability to see ALL magical creatures

(Insert cool adventures with girl and creature)

Creature gets stuck in a current while taking girl home

Creature suddenly uses magic to send her home

Girl gets knocked out and wakes up at home

She immediately goes to the beach area and searched for creature

Creature is no where to be found and the beach is CROWDED wit huge boats, small boats and people

Something small hits a ship heading toward one of the waterfall

The boat hits a wall

The small thing changes direction and goes straight for the girl

It attaches to her and she now has a pair of wings.

(The creature is made of mostly bones, the only part of it that has tissue is the wings. Picture on top(5ft wings))

She starts flying toward the water fall that the water creates tire was dragged down

She searches in air and sea

Creature is nowhere

She almost gives up

She goes home and heads out searching every day

Her parents keep asking her what's wrong but she won't talk to them

She gets depressed, devoting ALL of her time to finding creature
She finally finds a small stream

JUST wide enough for creature to fit in

She follows it

Along the way she finds trapped creatures(which she frees of course), lost creatures, and....

....dead creatures.

She finds for of the same species as creature

She was happy to find them as creatures species was supposedly extinct

She kept following to find Mother still huge but smaller than she used to be.

She had scratches, bruises, and there was something attached to her, draining her magic!

Girl frees mother and uses the magic given to her by mother, and heals her.

Mother turns her head toward a specific building and starts trying to get to it.

On land she can't move very fast and there is not enough water for her.

When they reach the building creature is inside

People are holding it down with ropes infused with magic that prevents creatures species from doing magic

Blinded by rage of what they were doing to creature, her brain starts telling her things that she didn't know she knew

She starts doing the movements that her brain tells her to do and magic begins to swirl around her

The magic is blue and starts picking up water as well(magic was given by water creature)

The men begin to panic saying, "I've NEVER seen a creature like that!"

The water swirling with her magic shoves the men and the ropes off of creature

The magic itself knocks the men out

She and all the creatures that she saved go back through the waterfall

(Insert happy ending or another problem in the epilogue(2nd option ONLY if you want to make a second book)

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