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Elem pov

It has been 1 month since i was in the hospital, and my mom think i am going to the therapist, but i am not, i find some friend, and we smoke weed and drink, i have been sneaking out to go to party's, i have a boyfriend his name is jonny, his 2 years older than me, and no one knows, only my friend, i haven't talk to mattia, am i don't want to, and i am not going to school, i block the school number in my mom phone, so she doesn't know


Evelyn pov

Today Elem has an appointment, and she had school too, so i got ready and went to get her from school

Elem school

I walk inside the office and ask for Elem

Office=sorry, but Elem hasn't come in weeks"

The son of a bitch, i was getting worried and mad, i didn't know were tf she is, i thank the office worker, i got in the car and call mattia to see if his with him

M=hey Evelyn

U=hey mattia, is Elem with you?"

M=no, did something happen?"

U=well, she hasn't go to school in weeks, and i don't know were she is"

M=iam going to your house"

He hung up, and i sigh starting the car, i drive to my house and wait for mattia, then i saw mattia car drive in, he get out of the car and walk up to me and gives me a smile

M=since when is she doing this"

U=i don't know today she was suppose to get out early, but the women in the office told me that she hasn't go in weeks"

M=and what are you going to do about it"

U=her birthday is in 2 day, she is going to be 15, i think i may send her with karen, in oregon"

M=oh thats too far"

U=that's why"

M=i don't want her to go away again"

U=i don't want too but she is being such a little bipolar girl just like her dad"

M=ouch" mattia said in a sad tone, putting his hand in his chest

U=i just want her to be like she was" when i said that a car drive in, me and mattia stand up and wait for someone to get out, the first door open and a teenager get out, he walk to the passengers door and open it, and help someone out, she turn around and we saw Elem drunk, i sigh and shake my head i walk up to them and grab Elem from her hand and start walking to the door

El=what are you doing, let me go" Elem said pulling away from me

U=just stop Elem" i said pulling her inside the house

U=where were you?"

E=in school"

U=you think i am stupid or something" i yell at her

E=well a little" i fucking slap the shit of her before yelling at her

U=who the fuck do you think you are to talk to me like that"

E=a fucking hoe" *slap* Elem put her hand in her cheek and groan

U=" you know what, get your things, you moving to oregon" i yell at her while walking away, while mattia just stand there looking at us

E=you don't care do you, i fucking have depression" i laugh and turn around walking to her again

U=thats not an excuse to do what you do, and don't talk like that"

E=or what, your going to have sex with another boy" i had a lot of emotion in me, but i was more sad then anything it hurt me to see her like that or hear her talk to me like that, i was about to talk but mattia talk first

M=don't you dare talk to your mom like that, we already talk about this"

E=and we talk that you were not going to get someone pregnant" mattia walk up to her, and shake his head before laughing

M=that baby is not mine, you know why, cause i was with you all the time, i start working in my house cause you didn't want to be alone cause you were being a little bitch to you mom"
Mattia said yelling the last part, Elem roll ber eyes and look at me

E=so, she was being a hoe like you" then k saw mattia slap her 2 time, i could see how mad mattia was, and i was more hurt fkr what she was saying, Elem had tears running down her red cheek from mattia slap

U=get your thing ready your leaving tonight" i said looking away from her

E=as you wish" Elem said before running upstairs, mattia walk up to me and hug me, i hug back letting my tears fall down my cheek

M=look at me" mattia said, pulling away from the hug, i look up to him

M=it would be all right okey, she love you just like, you love her" mattia said while putting a piece of hair behind my ear, then k saw him leaning, and i did the same, we were about to kiss when Elem walk down, with her bag, making us pull away, mattia sigh in frustration, while i giggle of the saw of mattia mad


Mattia pov

So i buy celia her own house, and she move in, so i live alone again, i have been drinking a lot, and going out with kairi cause ale is with vic since she got pregnant, they are having a girl, in 2 months, Elem hasn't talk to me, and today i was going out with kairi and was getting ready when Evelyn call me, i answer at the first ring, and ask her how she was, she told me about Elem not going to school and i told her i was going to see her in her house, i hung up and get in my car, and drive to her house

Evelyn house

I get out of the car and give Evelyn a smile, we talk and she tell me that she want Elem to move to oregon for some time, and i disagree but i couldn't do anything, then we saw a car pull up and Elem got out she was drunk, Evelyn pull her inside and they start arguing and once again Elem start being a bitch to Evelyn so i yell at her, she disrespected us and i slap her 2 time in the same cheek making her tear roll down her red cheek, Evelyn told her to get her thing cause she was going to oregon, Elem run upstairs and i hug Evelyn to my surprise she hug me back, i told her that Elem love her, and Evelyn give me a weak smile, and then me being me start leaning in, i closed my eyes scare of Evelyn rejecting me, then i feel her leaning too we were about to kiss when Elem came down, throwing her stuff in the floor making us pull away, i look at her and sigh in frustration, and i hear Evelyn giggle making me smile

Sorry again for saying the n word


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