Chp:1-Is this Good or bad?

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Chapter one.

Nichole's pov.

"Rach, wake up" i nudged my best friend yet again hoping this time she would actually wake up.

She muttered a few curse words before sending a cold glare my way. "I'm up! Happy?"

"Very" I laughed before exiting the guest room in my house and walking into my own.

Today was the day hockey started up again for us girls. It may be summer Vacation for most Canadians but a lot of girls spent their summer playing hockey. When you're in university all year round, the only time you got to spare for hockey is your vacation. Hockey is better than a vacation to a lot of girls & that's why there's a mini league from the beginning of June to the beginning of September.

"Nikki Did you make Coffeee?" I heard Rachel shout as she ran down the stairs

"Of course I Did its 7 in the morning" I replied taking a gulp of my own coffee.
"I'm going to get dressed, if Lucas gets here tell him I need 5"

After putting on a pair of skinnies & a white tank-top, I threw on my black leather jacket & white Hightop's then proceeded to grab my phone charger, side bag & hockey bag.

"Nichole hurry up! damn it"

I rolled my eyes at Rachel's words but obeyed.

When I reached the kitchen I saw my boyfriend Lucas texting on his phone & Rachel packing her hockey equipment into her "edmonton Elks" hockey bag

"Ya & you're telling me to hurry up" I groaned before going over and greeting my boyfriend with a quick kiss.

Once we were sat in Lucas's car I turned on the radio & began to sing along. I looked over at Lucas & began to admire his dark black hair & big features. We've been dating for awhile now & things have been going good, other than Lucas's harsh temper we get along great. He always seems to get mad when I stop things from going too far. If you know what I mean.

We arrived at the arena & Rachel jumped out immediately

Lucas smiled slightly "I'll walk you in"

I nodded and grabbed my purse as Lucas took hold of my hockey equipment.

Once inside I dropped my stuff into the empty locker room, hmm guess we're the first ones here. Lucas leaned against the wall staring me up and down.

I rolled my eyes " no" i spoke hoping he got the hint that I was in no mood for anything sexual.

" oh come on babe, you got the house to yourself all summer, I say we spend tonight at your place, just you and me" my black haired boyfriend exclaimed moving from the wall and walking closer to me.

I shook my head " no Lucas were not spending the night alone, I told you I'm still not okay with it & you promised you'd wait"

Before I knew it my wrist was being gripped tightly and i whimpered
"When will you be Fucken ready? I'm your boyfriend Nikki! I want you, all of you"

" let go of my wrist!" I shrieked and he did as he was told

"Nikki I'm-"

"Save it Lucas" I muttered before walking back into the locker room.

After catching up with all the girls & getting suited up in my practice gear, I walked out onto the ice with the rest of the girls trailing behind me.

"Where's coach?" I asked aloud. Usually coach.Rankin was on the ice before anyone of us.

"You didn't hear?, we got a new coach" Lucy Piped up as she skated around me.

In Love With My Coach(taylorHall)onHoldWhere stories live. Discover now