Tik Tok

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Tap, Tap,Tap
I sat up suddenly in my bed. I look left and right, as if I could see anything in my dark bedroom. I turned on my lamp, swinging my feet to the cold hardwood floor. I sat rubbing my face , I glanced over to my clock. 2:30 am ,the small red letters glowed in the dimly lit room. I stand and walk slowly over to my door, upon opening it I found my hallway was bare. Once decorated with pictures, and a beautiful soft plush carpet, was stripped bare of everything, leaving nothing but nails, wires, and concrete for my feet to walk on. Tap, Tap, tap . I hear it again. I walked faster to my living room. Flipping on every light I pass as if the light will get rid of whatever is coming for me. I grab a glass, I fill it with water, as I drink I hear Tap, Tap, Tap..... I sit on the floor now, terrified. What is coming for me? Will I be killed? Or will I be tortuered . I then heard footsteps coming down my hallway, and a whispered voice.... " Darla" it was a mans voice, I relaxed, "it was my husband " I thought, when I bolted upright because I remembered I didn't have a husband. I suddenly felt a knife diggin deep into my shoulder. When suddenly I jumped in my own bed startling myself awake. I realized it was all a dream, until I glanced at the clock which glowed a red 2:29 and I heard the tapping once more

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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