ch 17

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Rachel slid on her living room floor, Jin in her sighs as Yoongi sat on the couch. Rachel fell into Jin's lap with a grunt from him, and she had her eyes and ears on Yoongi.

"Im sorry, can you repeat that." She asked Jin sweetly yet with a serious tone. Jin wrapped his arms around his wife as he smiled at her.

"Repeat what?"

"The part about Yoongi buying a girl a present." Rachel said pointing at the culprit. "Liking her." She mimicked Jin's voice and Yoongi actually narrowed his eyes at Jin.

"Yoongi doesn't like anyone babe." Jin professionally lied for the billionth time. Rachel however didn't believe him for a moment and turned her attention to Yoongi.

"I want to meet her." She simply said.

"There is no one to meet." Yoongi tried to clarify. Rachel sat back against her husband as she stared at Yoongi.

"What did you buy her?" She questioned and Jin set his chin on her shoulder.

"Nothing, as there is no one to buy something for." Yoongi smirked and Rachel rose her eyebrow, sitting up a bit. Jin stayed connected to her shoulder.

"Please I will do anything." Rachel said. "I will beg." She nodded.

"No." Jin shook his head, there would be no begging.

"Please, please." She tried again. She gasped at her idea. "My birthdays in a few months. Let's invite her to the party." She nodded, now getting Jin involved.

And the next thing Yoongi knew - he had somehow been tricked to invite JiSun to the party, basically created and thrown for her.

"Oh my gosh, its going to be so much fun!" She screeched as she walked away, pumping her hands in the air.


Rachel walked through the halls like she owned the place, obviously had been there numerous times. She was holding JiSun's hand, as she was getting mg slightly distracted trying to take in the building and its new surroundings. Would she see someone else famous?

Holy shit is Park Hyung Sik apart of Big Bang? She didn't know but she was damn sure going to find out the next chance she got.

They stood in front of a door and Rachel let go of her hand, putting it on the knob.

"Enjoy your weekend." She bowed largely before opening the door and allowing JiSun to enter the room first.

They were in a practice room, and while all eyes were on her - her eyes were looking for one person.

"Yoongi will be right back." Jin explained from the corner, walking towards the girls once he looked to see who walked in.

"Baby!" She falsely exclaimed and they hugged a big hug, him in true king fashion spinning her around. Once she was placed back on the ground, she play pushed him. "Your one job was to keep him here."

"Well go find him with her while I help Jungkook with this. Then we can go." He suggested. She pouted at Jungkook for taking her Jin-time, she walked sullenly over to JiSun. "You know where his studio is right?" He asked.

"Yup." She lied.

"He went to get a notebook or something." Jin was now frustrated trying to shoo her out of the room so he could focus on trying to close the overstuffed suitcase.

"Lets go find your stupid man." She grabbed her arm as they walked back out.

"Do you even know where the studio is?" JiSun asked once she noticed Rachel looking around on the floor.

"Nope." She answered with a smile. "We will just hang around out here until he gets back."

JiSun was confused, what about her precious Jin time?

"Alright." JiSun said, turning her attention to the framed achievements on the wall.

"Remember when you said you hadn't been to a show?" Rachel asked, sauntering up to JiSun as she read each awards plaques. She was referring to the evening, just one ago, that they went out drinking.

"Remember when I said I had been to a show but you can't ever tell him that!" JiSun whispered to her, getting close as a warning.

"Yes, but remember my magic? Just trust me." She smiled unbuttoning her top button. It didn't show much extra, Rachel was slightly disappointed, but pulled at the shirt trying to style it. "Just go with it. I'm getting my money back." She whispered with a nod.

"Rachel!" She heard an unmistakable angry voice whisper from down the hall. Both girls turned to look in Yoongi's direction, Rachel taking a step away from JiSun. "What are you doing out here?" He asked with the same hushed angered tone and Rachel started her show.

"Please, two people have walked by, and we have visitor badges this time." She proudly displayed her badge to him. Yoongi did inspect the sticker JiSun noted, as she had followed Rachel towards Yoongi.

She was just going with the flow right now. She had no idea what this girl had in store.

"You were supposes to come, drop her off, then leave." He scolded in a friendly manner and as Yoongi held the door open for the ladies to re enter the room, JiSun placed her finger along his side, letting it float across his stomach as she walked by.

Rachel marched right up to her husband, proudly hugging him now and giving him the quickest hello kiss JiSun had ever seen.

"Hello Jimin." She said flatly to the man, and he snarled at her. JiSun smiled.

"Hello Devil." He commented back never looking up from his phone.

"Jimin." Jin scolded and Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Mrs. Kim." Jimin half formally bowed and walked away and Jin and Rachel shared a smile.

"Excuse them." Yoongi said, appearing at her side as she eyed everyone in the room.

Three were missing, Jungkook, Ho

"Yoongi." Rachel's purr sounded from across the room.

"Rachel." Yoongi glared back at her. He knew this wasn't good. Jimin took this chance to say hi and bye to JiSun, herself having to watch both conversations skillfully.

"JiSun tells me she's never been to a concert."

"JiSun's been to a concert before." Yoongi laughed nonchalantly as he swung his backpack over his shoulder. He smirked as he watched JiSun become a deer in headlights. "Right?" He questioned JiSun.

"JiSun tells me she's never been to a concert from backstage." Rachel rephrased her statement and the second Yoongi's eyes left JiSun she let out the sigh she had been holding in.

"JiSun can ask me if she wants to go." Yoongi answered. "We are leaving." He said, and JiSun waved at everyone goodbye.

JiSun hoped Rachel didn't make him mad, and judging by the looks of the walk to the elevator - her hopes were doomed.

Once they reached the basement parking lot in the elevator Yoongi let go of her hand.

"Ill see you at my apartment." He stated before getting into his assigned car.

"Okay bye." She muttered quietly to herself. She smiled at her awaiting ,over smiling driver and climbed in the awaiting opened back seat.


JiSun wasn't accustomed to this part of the routine yet. Usually by the time she had been Yoongi before this, he was always happy and seemed un-busy and unbothered. Now, he was both. She quickly buttoned the top button of her blouse without smiley dude seeing her.

She knew what he needed.

"Sir, can you stop at a convenience store?" She questioned in her best voice.

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