thirty three

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hyunjin felt his heart shatter as he stared at minho's post. he shouldn't have expected too much.

'of course he would choose minho.' hyunjin thought as he felt tears brimming on his eyes. he knew he was being dramatic but what can he do? he loves jisung so much.

ten minutes had passed, hyunjin decided to go to the park near his house, for him to clear the thoughts in his mind. he didn't know being heartbroken would be this painful.

he sat on an empty swing and zoned out for a while, fiddling with his fingers. he cried his heart out but didn't care anymore if people are staring at him. he's heartbroken, okay?

"jisung-ah, i love you!" he yelled, causing people to draw their attention to him. some started whispering and gossiping, they must've thought he was crazy.

one moment later, someone occupied the swing beside him. he didn't even care to look until the other spoke. "hey, why the fuck are you screaming so early in the morning?" the voice sounded familiar, he heard it somewhere before. hyunjin decided to look up and saw jisung smiling widely. he got confused, why is jisung here? shouldn't he be with minho?

"why did you leave your house? your mother said you got out crying." hyunjin felt his forehead creased, he got even more confused, he wanted an explanation.

"i love you, hyunjin." hyunjin's heartbeat went faster, he was out of breath for a second. did he hear it right? is this a dream? if this is just a dream, then he doesn't want to wake up anymore.

"i-i thought you chose minho?" hyunjin managed to utter. a chuckle escaped jisung's lips as he heard the older speak.

"i thought it would be rude to just leave minho hanging so i went to his house for a proper closure. he asked for one last photo and that's what you saw, okay?" hyunjin was enlightened as jisung explained everything. he couldn't help but to feel happy, happy that jisung chose him.

"do you really love me?" jisung asked. hyunjin felt his world stop, this whole situation just felt surreal. "that's my last question." he continued.

hyunjin can only nod, he was suddenly speechless. he can feel the tears again, but this time it was because of too much joy. jisung got up from the swing and made his way to hyunjin. he invited the other to a hug which hyunjin didn't refuse.

"han jisung of performing arts major in music, my last question is will you be my boyfriend?"

"yes! i love you hwang hyunjin." jisung replied with a smile on his face. hyunjin blanketed his now boyfriend in his arms.

"i love you too, my han jisung."

man i suck at narrations

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