you need to freaking sleep ☁️

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(in which somebody ignores their bedtime, and that is unacceptable to their roommate who specializes in sleep- requested by zaptheelectrocat  )

Spongebob ending credits played on the TV- this was, what, the seventeenth episode in a row, perhaps? You and Sylvie were curled up on the couch, half-watching and half-staring-at-your-phones-together. It was glorious, and a wonderful much-needed break for both of you. Sylvie looked up from scrolling Tumblr to check the time. "OH my GOODNESS, Y/N, it's almost 2 in the morning!!! We need to get you to BED!" You frowned, burying your face in the cloudy softness of his constellation pajamas. "Noooo, I don't wanna...." Sylvie lifted your chin up to meet his eyes. "Going without sleep isn't healthy. You really should be getting to bed." You snorted, and burrowed yourself further. "Look who's talking! When's the last time you got a full eight hours?" Sylvie's sheepish gaze slid to the side. "I'm devoted to helping others- my own personal needs come second, nerd." "Okay yeah that's kind of a mood honestly."

Sylvie took the opportunity of your momentary defeat to LEAP off the couch, pivot gracefully, and wrap his arms around you triumphantly. "Weakling, ahahA!" he exclaimed. You wiggled and wiggled, to no avail. He had one of his arms around your stomach, and the other arm keeping your hands firmly in place. You needed to turn the tides somehow- but what were the exploitable weaknesses of your favorite psychologist? There was nothing immediate you could think OH AN IDEA SPARKED, too fast for punctuation. You turned your head towards Sylvie and made eye contact; it was desperate, wide-eyed, pleading, innocent, and so sudden. Sylvie, a hopeless romantic in denial, was caught completely by surprise; he started blushing furiously, and his grip went slack for just enough time. You slipped one of your hands free and devilishly began to tickle him, in the ideal spot on his tummy.

This was a mistake.

He froze like a deer in the headlights, then went FERAL. His hands flew up, but he couldn't protect himself! "My- ahahahAA- worst weakness- hahaha-noooo-!" he cried in gasps! Tears started brimming in his shining eyes! His mouth was agape in a pained smile! He squirmed, trying to hide his vulnerable tummy! However, he looked like a turtle! A new development arose- he was blushing violently! Don't worry, it's not because he couldn't breathe (mostly,) it's because he was enjoying this time with you so much! "Gaaah...ahahaha...stop...!" he meekly cried for help! But it was no use, because you both suddenly TOPPLED OVER!

He screamed like a girl for 0.7 seconds, his arms flailing wildly. You giggled at this, not paying attention to your trajectory, so you hit the ground with a startling THUD. Sylvie froze, his eyes wider than dinner plates. He got to his knees to help you and was apologizing frantically. He had your head cupped in his arm almost immediately, to support you in case your head was hurt. The surprise of that alone was the equivalent of falling again- to your heart, at least. Once Sylvie realized his reaction, he stammered and fidgeted and didn't know what to do with himself and it was ADORABLE. This was a battle of keeping composure, and you were winning at the moment. You gazed up at him, your cheeks suddenly become a flushed rose garden. He chuckled and smirked and GOODNESS why are smirks so ALLURING! You let your defense falter because....oh my, he was so cute when he smirked, and oh, it positively melted you.

"You just activated my trap card," he proclaimed quietly. What a nerdy thing to say. He leaned in extremely close, oh my goodness, it was a little overwhelming, very very close. He gave you a tiny kiss on the cheek and and whispered "Sweet dreams...darling." Your brain short-circuited, and that was an understatement. It was such a rush that your thoughts melted and started to get fuzzy. It took you much too long to notice that there was soft golden dust, drizzling over you like thin snow. The last thing you saw was Sylvie's smug, soft eyes. "Ha, gottem," he murmured, as he scooped you up bridal-style. You were helpless as he tenderly carried you to your bed and tucked you in.

You were asleep, of course, but you could've sworn you heard a distressed cry through your dream- "WHY did I DO that oh my GOODNESS that's so EMBARRASSING aaaAAA i need to stop BLUSHING this is so UNPROFESSIONAL aaaaAAAAaaaaa....."-until it faded into blushy, squealy giggles.

755 words

Thank you, zaptheelectrocat, for your request!
Feel free to request your own, and have a STELLAR day!

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